Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 19:06
Actually Phil you're response was adding nothing to the topic.
So they don't root your boot fine. In essence your response said "I don't see the need for one and I think anyone who does is somewhat silly". The topic was around a question for people who have this bit of kit and whether and how to overcome a issue with this piece of kit, not a question as to whether the are worthwhile on not.
If the question was along the lines of ..."I'm thinking of spending my hard earned readies on piece of kit 'x' and I'd like to know the good, bad, and ugly from those who have one.." then all opinions good or bad or contrary are on the table.
I see many discussions on this
forum around bits of equipment that because of my personal preferences or travelling set up I wouldn't think of taking on the road in a month of Sundays, but just because either I don't like them or it doesn't fit my use doesn't mean I'm going to criticise those who do have a need.
For example, I'm no lover of generators, and wouldn't pack one if you paid me, but if someone has a medical need for one (CPAP / aircon etc.), to post on a topic around Gennies that "I don't need one and I don't see why you do" would add nothing and possibly offend someone who is asking a genuine question. Adds nothing.
Similarly, I don't prefer to tow things on the road, and I don't need portable clothes washing on the road (pack enough jocks, socks, and shirts to last me between stops), however if I was travelling with a wife and 3 ankle-biters, I'd probably re-think that position.....
Sure you're entitled to your opinion, but sometimes some vacuums don't need to be filled....