Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 21:41
Google is not full of is nothing more than a clever index.
You can
check the credentials of the authors by both their reputations and the companies they work for..or don't.
Just like you would
check the credentials of any other source of information.
In is very popular and powerfull for checking credentials.
If QLD health would have googled "Jayant Patel" prior to employing him they would have found that he had malpractice "issues" overseas.
If you want to try and dismiss all material found on the internet as may as
well toss out every every reference book and manufacturers document you have ever owned...because most of them are now on the internet and accessable thru Google.
For those of us that know our business and have the mental capacity to read everything from advertsing, manufacturers documents, thru to court records and government legeslation, the internet is the best thing in providing access to information to ever happen.
If you are incapable of processing information, telling the difference between good and bad information, understanding what you read...or for that matter too lasy to follow up information and read the credible documents from reliable sources yourself
Don't try and tell those of us that can, that the best source of information ever is not valid.
There will always be those on internet forums that simply don't know..and are convinced that no one else possibly can either.
There are plenty of people who want to dissmis good solid facts as either "opinion" or "conjecture"..motsly because those facts disagree with their beliefs and they have nothing to back up their assertions and are incapable of making a properly reasoned and constructed argument..
Oils most certainly aint oils...and there is a hell of a lot of very credible information that shows that is the case AND all the whys and wherefores