Wednesday, Jul 09, 2014 at 17:30
Frank P,
According to Wikipedia, "Occy strap / Octopus strap in Australian common usage", so it should be used, unfortunately Peter D does not like this. If I were living in America I would agree and leave it.
So you know Frank, Peter and I have locked horns before, so this response does not surprise me.
We are in Australia and we should not change words that have become part of our vocabulary and in "common use", to use overseas terminology, Shopping trolley becomes a Cart, shopping centres are now Malls, zee instead of zed, diaper instead of nappy, stroller not pushchair even down to "have an nice day", lets keep our Australian language and the culture that made it what it is....
Now because we are in Australia and have many words that mean something to Australians but can be strange to others I thought I had better look at
Wiktionary the Australian version
I note that Occy is present but not the word Bungee.
So suggesting that Occy strap should be called a Bungee, should we also change, Thongs or Jandles if you are from New Zealand, to Flip Flops, Jug to Kettle, insist that a root is something a tree grows on plants.
After all, "at the end of the day", if we "do the math" and use the "least worst option", we could "leverage" the "normalcy" and "gotten" our own words for things, shouldn't we use them?
I note that the Australian word "whinge" is now common usage in the UK.
Please note that all this is meant to be in good humour.