Canter 4x4 diff ratios
Submitted: Saturday, Feb 28, 2004 at 11:28
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I have a recently purchased 1998 4x4 Mitsubishi Canter Motorhome. It is built on a canter body that used to be a tipper. To sit on 100 k's it is revving at approx 3200. The speedo appears to read high as various speed checks on the highway show my speed as 90k's when the speedo says 100. So to really do 100 k's I would be red lining.
My question is: there are two different diff ratios mentioned in the specs I have downloaded. 6.166:1 and 5.714:1 The tippers seemed to have the 6.166:1 and I was wondwering how difficult it would be to change to the 5.714 ratios for both front and rear diffs. And does anyone know who does this work in Victoria. Any response appreciated. Thanks.
Reply By: Member - Peter- Saturday, Feb 28, 2004 at 13:09
Saturday, Feb 28, 2004 at 13:09
It isn't running smaller tyres than standard is it ? that will cause revs to rise. The difference between 700's and 7.50's is nearly 10%.
We have a member of our local 4wd club with a Canter, he has done a lot with his I'll ask if you want. I have afeeling that he fitted bigger tyres (8.25's I think which gave it better legs on the highway but meant more gearchanges in hilly country.
In standard trim it is slow on hills so you may find that the PO has fitted smaller tyres to compensate, they may also have travelled at around 90k max too.
Follow Up By: BendigoBruce - Saturday, Feb 28, 2004 at 13:19
Saturday, Feb 28, 2004 at 13:19
Thanks Peter, The tyres are 750's and have approx 80% tread. The 825's could be a good option and also improve ground clearance. But I have seen details of both diff ratios fitted to 4wd canters- maybe your fellow club member could shed more light on it. That would be appreciated.
Thanks, Bruce.
Reply By: Eric Experience. - Saturday, Feb 28, 2004 at 23:13
Saturday, Feb 28, 2004 at 23:13
The 5.7 diffs came out with the low polution motor in about 02. My sugestion is to change you high ratio, it is 1.09-1 at the moment but you can get any ratio gears cut for it. About .8 - 1 would be closer for highway light load trips. If you take the transfer gears out and take them to a gear cutter they will charge you about $1k to do the job. Eric.
Follow Up By: BendigoBruce - Sunday, Feb 29, 2004 at 09:19
Sunday, Feb 29, 2004 at 09:19
Thanks Eric,
I will follow your advice and look into changing the high ratio.
Reply By: Member - Peter- Sunday, Feb 29, 2004 at 20:51
Sunday, Feb 29, 2004 at 20:51
The fella with the Canter in our club was only aware of the 2wd and 4wd having different ratios. The last reply you received obviously had more knowledge.
Follow Up By: Member - Peter- Monday, Mar 01, 2004 at 21:52
Monday, Mar 01, 2004 at 21:52
I had another chat with the Canter owner, he fitted 825 tyres which made a huge difference to highway performance and also increased ground clearance. He is happy to talk direct if you want, email me direct and I'll pass on his phone number.