Tuesday, Aug 05, 2014 at 20:15
I should address your specific question - the benefits of one over the other.
Gas is good for instant high temperature heat - toast, browning meat, BBQing, etc. The diesel is good for everything else.
We (the bride and I) think you need both, but keep the major gas cooking (BBQ, etc) outside or confined to table-top cartridge-type cookers inside (toast and other minor convenience heating like coffee or a quick kettle).
With fixed gas appliances inside you are required by law to have fresh air vents to dispel gas in the event of a leak. These vents are a major source of dust entry and also water if you're an adventurous off-road type. Having a diesel cooker inside for all but the searing temps type stuff and gas rings, wok burners, BBQ/ovens etc outside eliminates the need for vents, so no dust and water entry.
You have to keep your major gas burners outside otherwise you don't get the advantage of the diesel. If you have a 3-way fridge you'll need vents and there's the dust and water issue again. A compressor fridge will resolve that, but then you need to have good electrics - another topic that generates much discussion.