Police to ignore minor collisions (NSW)

Submitted: Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 08:10
ThreadID: 109662 Views:2540 Replies:4 FollowUps:6
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Thought this may be of interest for travellers to New South Wales...

Police to ignore minor collisions

Cheers, Baz - The Landy
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Reply By: AlanTH - Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:39

Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:39
Only sensible really with minor crashes, if no one's hurt why waste cops time especially if details can be exchanged in an amicable fashion.
It's not a bit like WA traffic police ignoring everything that gets in the way of really important stuff like minor speeding offences.
AnswerID: 539722

Follow Up By: Geoffr17 - Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 20:26

Tuesday, Sep 30, 2014 at 20:26

Well as if it wasn't bad enough that if you are involved in an accident in NSW the first thing you have to do is go on line to find out if the other car is registered to start with.

Now you have decide if the other Driver is over the Drinking limit , if you suspect they are on drugs , if you think they are you can send for the Police. !!

Exchange licence details without the police checking at the scene to find out later it was fake or a suspended Driver , great.

What a crazy situation.

So whats the story here. The Police only want to man Booze Buses and drive around with Radar units.

What about community help, some older people in particular with TRAUMA of an accident won't be able to check all the above.

Police can't be that busy , or get them more members.
FollowupID: 824400

Reply By: Hilux fan - Wednesday, Oct 01, 2014 at 18:59

Wednesday, Oct 01, 2014 at 18:59
Been like that in Vic for years. You only call the police if someone has been injured or need to report the other driver for something (drink, drugs, road rage etc). Given that NSW has over 100 collisions per day (http://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/downloads/crashstats2012.pdf), it's not surprising.
AnswerID: 539774

Reply By: Ron N - Thursday, Oct 02, 2014 at 22:31

Thursday, Oct 02, 2014 at 22:31
This is unacceptable and another poor example of bad police management.

9 times out of 10, when a crash happens, at least one driver is doing something highly illegal.
Police have often found that people involved in crashes are carrying drugs or weapons, have no MDL, no rego, or are wanted on a bench warrant.

The police need to be made aware of the potential criminal arrest losses they face by not attending road accidents - even "minor collisions".

I have been rammed up the backside no less than 4 times since the early 1970's.
In EVERY case, the driver was unlicenced and gave me a false name and address.

One bloke was so well-prepared, the address he gave me was a vacant block! (yes, I went and checked on it).

The last bloke ran up the back of my car, while a police officer was walking along the footpath, right next to me!
He also gave a false name (he gave the name of a bloke who was in jail that day! - so I found out later).

The problem was the copper was a probationary constable and he never even checked the blokes car!
I reckon he was carrying drugs as well as being unlicenced, and he should have been worth a check over!

The thing is - if a driver gives you a FNA&A, there's nothing you can do - and he can't be charged.
If he gives a FNA&A to a police officer, that's a serious chargeable offence!

If I ever get hit again, I'll be on the blower immediately, claiming the other driver is drunk or on drugs - and let the police sort it out!

Time after time, police called to accidents find drug money, illegal firearms, and other contraband in cars, and nefarious criminal activity in progress!
AnswerID: 539828

Follow Up By: The Landy - Saturday, Oct 04, 2014 at 07:17

Saturday, Oct 04, 2014 at 07:17
Would they find these things in your vehicle?

Just wondering, given it seems you think everyone else has ;)

Baz - The Landy
FollowupID: 825518

Follow Up By: Ron N - Saturday, Oct 04, 2014 at 10:15

Saturday, Oct 04, 2014 at 10:15
I didn't say anything of the kind, that is you twisting my words around.

What I am saying is that people who run into you are more likely to be doing something wrong, which is making them worry about being caught, which lowers their attention level to their driving.

That "something wrong" is quite often, driving a stolen vehicle, driving under suspension, driving drunk or drugged, driving an unregistered vehicle, carrying drugs or other contraband, or carrying weapons.

Random traffic stops are a big part of policing - and they ALWAYS find at least one serious offence, and often multiple offences, being committed by a motorist, within a short time after stopping a line of traffic.

Huge drug busts and large money-laundering operations are found every week via random traffic stops.
In many cases, the police have no intelligence knowledge of the crime and are completely surprised at what they uncover.
BIL (recently retired Snr Sgt) told me how they caught a bloke for a suspicious traffic offence in a random traffic stop, and decided to search his home.

They were staggered to find $300,000 in cash in this blokes home, the results of a sizeable (still-running) drug operation.
The police had no inkling whatsoever of this blokes illegal operations, he was completely unknown to them, and had been exceptionally cunning in keeping a low profile.
FollowupID: 825536

Follow Up By: The Landy - Monday, Oct 06, 2014 at 10:37

Monday, Oct 06, 2014 at 10:37
Um, so if you run into someone, that someone might be thinking you are doing something wrong...

Your words, not mine!

Ron, you draw a long-bow, most times!
FollowupID: 825675

Follow Up By: Ron N - Monday, Oct 06, 2014 at 13:59

Monday, Oct 06, 2014 at 13:59
Well, you'd have to admit, if you run into someone, you ARE doing something wrong!

You're either distracted, not obeying road rules, guilty of careless or negligent driving, guilty of driving through a red light, tailgating, or guilty some other offence.
In nearly every crash, at least ONE party ends up (or SHOULD end up) being charged with a traffic offence!

I'll freely admit I've run into a couple of people, and caused damage. They were both low speed accidents, and the damage was less than $250 - and I'll freely admit I was careless with my driving!
I should have been charged with careless driving - but because no-one called the cops, I wasn't charged.

All I'm saying is that if someone crashes into you, you are well advised to call the police and let them take over investigations of any other offences that might be associated with the crash.

Even sighting someones MDL is no guarantee that the person has a legit MDL. The amount of fraudulent MDL's around is surprising, they can be copied with ease with sophisticated modern day electronic equipment - and there's numbers of people making a living out of supplying false MDL's and passports!

If a cop turns up to a smash, they have the computers and ability to check on the legitimacy of people's information and credentials. The average Joe like you and me doesn't have that ability.

A large % of people are yapping on phones and distracted when they run into you. I've been witness to a number of accidents where I've seen this happen clearly.

If you SAW and KNOW that the person who hit you, was yapping on a phone right before they hit you, what happens when you don't call the police?
That's right, they can walk away without penalty.

If you call police, and provide witness statements as to the phone use whilst driving, then that driver is charged with using a mobile phone whilst driving and charged and penalised accordingly.

If you suspect that the other driver is drink or drug affected, only police can check that out precisely and act accordingly.

Even police can get it wrong, it takes a combined effort to get to the source of the problem.

About 7 or 8 years ago, I was walking back from the beach into the beach car park and suddenly saw a bloke in a car coming down the entrance into the car park, tooting his horn with spasmodic jerks, and jerking and swerving the car from side to side.
I watched with some amazement as he drove slowly in an arc and ploughed straight into a parked car with a loud crash!

I raced over and whipped the door open and said, "Are you right, mate?"
The young bloke was hunched over, semi-conscious, and jerking and saying "whassat?", whassat?, whassat??", over and over again whenever I spoke to him.

I dragged him out of the car and called 000 and the police were there in about 3 minutes, and the ambos in about 4 minutes, much to my surprise.
Meantimes, I was trying to keep him breathing and conscious and trying to figure if he was having an epileptic fit, was drunk, or had taken drugs.

I couldn't smell any alcohol on him, so I dismissed that and concentrated on the epilepsy and drug angle.
He didn't appear to show the right signs for epilepsy (and I'd picked up a bloke in Broome once who was throwing an epileptic fit on the footpath, when he'd forgotten to take his pills).

So, I concluded this bloke who'd crashed his car was on drugs.
However, when the police turned up, one aggressive young copper decided he was drunk, and started to try and shake him up.
I had to restrain the copper, and tell him he wasn't drunk, he didn't smell of alcohol, and I thought drugs might be the problem.

When the ambos turned up just a minute behind the cops, the ambos took about 5 mins to get the info out of the young bloke, that he'd taken some LSD pills, and then gone for a drive!!

God knows how he made it from his house to the beach, high on LSD, without hitting anyone or anything! I guess a lot of people were practising good examples of "defensive driving"!
FollowupID: 825691

Reply By: tim_c - Friday, Oct 03, 2014 at 11:14

Friday, Oct 03, 2014 at 11:14
It's been like that in the ACT for at least a few years now. You must report a collision, but it's with Roads & Traffic, not the Police. The Police don't even get notified unless you tick the box in the form to declare that someone required treatment at the scene.

I only found this out after someone ran into me for being "in his way" (I actually bothered to stop at a STOP sign and the driver behind decided that would be a good time to overtake me) and I followed up with the Police to see why they hadn't done anything about the incident. I always carry a Band-Aid in my wallet now, which I'll be applying on site, just so I can tick that box on the form.

The Police don't really have time to follow up on all collisions though because they're all tied up doing useless Criminal History checks for anyone and everyone - they'll be doing no less than 3-4 separate checks on me in the space of 12 months, just so I can drive a bus once every couple of months.

IMHO, noting the number of people killed or seriously injured in traffic accidents every year, even minor "accidents" should be taken seriously - not simply dismissed as a part of every day life because no one was hurt "this time". Imagine the public outrage if anything else that killed 1500 people each year in our country alone (and many more seriously injured, many of whom will never live normal lives again) - we'd be handling it rather seriously, as we should. And if there were accidents with whatever else it was, even if no one was hurt "this time", it would be treated very seriously. Consider, for example, the construction industry which recorded less than 200 deaths last year (2013) and how seriously an accident on site is viewed, even if no one was hurt "this time". Why are we all so complacent about traffic accidents?
AnswerID: 539855

Follow Up By: Ron N - Saturday, Oct 04, 2014 at 10:23

Saturday, Oct 04, 2014 at 10:23
Tim, your post is spot-on. Fortunately, the road toll overall is still steadily declining on an annual basis, based on deaths per 100,000 of population - however, it's still way too high.

Surprisingly, pedestrians being skittled still make up a sizeable percentage of the road toll. That is simply due to people taking no care whatsoever with their personal safety.

How many times have you had people walk out in front of you without looking, walk across the road with inadequate time to cross, making you brake, walk across the road distracted by yapping on a phone?

I don't know what else can be done to make pedestrians exercise greater attention to their personal safety - the authorities hammer it, in road safety messages weekly - yet many people just seem to have little interest in preserving their lives?
FollowupID: 825538

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