Saturday, Nov 29, 2014 at 11:33
What you are finding is typical of inefficiencies found in solar/ battery/ fridge systems.
My maths indicate that to be in the race for long term reliability you need to have at least 160 watts of solar panel and 100 AH of battery to keep a 40 litre fridge, run as a fridge, running reliably.
NOW if your panels are not delivering full rated output in full sun, your battery is getting a bit sad and ya fridge is running too cold or not
well insulated….these losses all add up very quickly…resulting in beverage disappointment and social stigma
What you have here is an opportunity to get your solar/fridge/battery system sorted out.
So you need to tell her in doors that this whole cold beer thing is all in the interests of science.
places to look for improvement.
1/ make sure your panels are clean, in clear sun all day and are not subject to unnecessary heat….all these things will reduce efficiency……..CONsiderably
2/ upgrade your cabling between the panels and the battery and if you can relocate the regulator close to the battery.
A learned member on another
forum, proved by scientific methods ( beer may have been involved) that the folding panel as he received from the supplier was outputting less than 50% of its rated output.
Further by scientific methods ( more beer may have been involved over a significant
test period) he proved that only by replacing the cables and relocating the existing regulator close to the battery. He could produce at last as good as the specified output from the panels into his battery.
3/ consider your regulator…..a better regulator may or may not improve your charge rate.
4/ Consider your battery…..if it has some age to it, it may not have anywhere near its original storage capacity, it may not be accepting charge efficiently and it my be leaking charge.
5/ insulate your fridge…..almost all fridges are poorly insulated……so ya fridge has been sitting on the floor running for a few days…..pick it up and feel the cold patch underneath….this represents losses of cool.
Just putting a slab or styro under and a folded blanket on top of your fridge can improve efficiency no end.
Best to get some sort of insulated cover.
Keep ya fridge in a cool place.
6/ consider your fridge temperature.
The lower the fridge temperature the higher the losses and the less efficient the refrigeration system.
Standard safe fridge temperature is considered to be around +2C…however optimum beer drinking temperature is considered to be –2C………yeh
well needs must.
If you are finding –2C is not doing it for you look for other inefficiencies…..chill your glasses…..pouring cold beer into a hot glass is a sad loss of efficency.
If you are drinking from cans or stubbies….DO NOT do so without proper insulative equipment……pre-chill you stubby holder too.
Be aware you may need assistance in your scientific endevours, I am sure there are those who will assist you in your scientific endevours.
Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Saturday, Nov 29, 2014 at 11:55
Saturday, Nov 29, 2014 at 11:55
I like the science, Bantam:-)