Sunday, Nov 30, 2014 at 11:01
There are a cople of issues.
I assume you want to chage the batteeies with the cover still on the boat whaile it is in the garrage.
I'd be concerned aboiut the ventilation issues, charging batteries ( of any type) in an enclosed space especially over an extended period of time.
That said there are two chagring approaches.
1/ fast turn arround charging to get the trolling motor battery back up to charge for a following days fishing.
2/ maintenance charging bothe batteries while the boat is in storage.
If you want to turn the trolling motor battery arround in as little as 8 hours you will need at least a 15 amp battery charger.
that is ssiue 1/
To maintain a battery over a long idle period you do not need anywhere near as big a charger.
One as small as 3 amps may do the job.
an issue of concern is the long term reliability of multistage chargers.......none of them are smart....nothing like it.....they are dumb as dog ####.......they simply follow a fixed set of charging rules and cycles....AND they can be fooled by a number of circumstances.
I do not recomend long term unsupervised charging with multistage chargers.
You need to be checking on the battery to ensure nothing unhappy has occured.
Now none of thins needs to be very hard.
If a battery is healthy and isolated from all sources of drain, it should maintaine a good state of charge for at least a month if it was properly charged before it was put away
It would be wise to give each battery a bit of a tickle up every couple of weeks.
Many of the multistacge chargers come fitted with a plug at the end of the charging lead, where either a clip tail or a screw down tail is fitted as required.
My recomendation for you is this.
1/ provide some ventilation so that any hydrogen generated can escape from under the boat cover......remember bantams fart rule.....if you farted under there how quickly would the gasses escape.
2/ set up a charging panel at the rear of the boat, where the charger/s could be connected on plugs......the charger cables would remain peremanetly connected to the would also be good to have 1 or 2 voltmeters on this panel so you can see at a glance the condition of the batteries.
3/ buy chargers as you choose....there are many good ones about.