Tuesday, Dec 02, 2014 at 16:53
WE chum.......speak for yourself......typical......greenies often talk about "WE"........so who is that "WE".
Yess I do agree that the greenie that uses their minority vote, balance of power to press nonsencical Green measures into legeslation bassed on nothing but their own blinkered
views. is more and more irrelivent.
ethanol that takes more fossil fuel to make than it replaces
solar power that takes more resources to build than it will ever replace and is far more expensive that burning coal.
Household insulation programmes that where both ill concieved and costly...and killed...AND of questionable environmental significance
Compact fluros, that are possibly one of THE worst products every foist on society.....in general they do not last as long as a less efficient filament lamp, produce more waste and are harder, if not nearly impossible to properly recycle....and require a lot more and more environmentally costly materials to make.
But someone is making a lot of money out of the above "green" initiatives for little or no benifit to people or the environment.
Marine parks..oh my.
Marine parks bassed on NO science with boundries decideed arbitarily only on the basis that it would be a good idea.
AND there is documented proof and personal admsssions, that is how the boundries and the basis for the moreton bay marine park where decided.
It was a moreton bay marine park with certain percentages or no preference deal with the greens.
A certain labour power broker admitted that they decided what they where going to do, then went looking for science to support it....after delaying and procrastinating this so called science was revealed.....it was all either irrelivent or discredited
I was up to my armpits in that campaign.
I confronted one marine scientist in a public CONsultation....."I asked "Mate has any body been and looked"...the answer was NO...the whole premiss was a statistically flawed survey bassed on a sample of less than 100th of a precent of the fishing
Large international lobby groups like the Pew Environmental Trust who see fit to meddle in other countries polotics to a greater extent than the CIA where ever suposed to have......
It is the AMERICAN PEW environmental trust that is pushing for very large parcels of the austraian cost line and the coral seal to be locked up in marine parks.....it is PEW who paid for the Barry Rass adds and funds many environmental groups.
Then there is the very large influence that the vegatarian looby have over the green side of polotics.
Their whole outlook is not bassed on scinece but being too squeamish to eat cute furry animals.
You can talk about anecdotal statements.......pots and kettles mate.
90% of the whole envoronmental debate is anecdotal......or so called science even if it exists bassed on very small sample statistics and biased outlooks.
Talk about environment science......HELL....if you don't tow the line as a student in certain faculties, you don't get good marks......without a good pass and a favorable outlook you WILL not get a job in that field...to work in that field you have to do research ( there is no other work).....the vast majority of reserach in that field is funded by those expecting a certain outcome.......it is those who work in that field who set the polocies and lecture in the faculties and the circle completes its self.....A breath taking level of scientific dishonesty....and the pier review is by those with the same outlook.
The general
population is beginning to realise exactly how irrelivent Greenies are and how poorly thaught out most of their ideas and polocies are.
Fortunatly this is being reflected in the green vote.