The things that can destroy a good motor New or Old!.

Submitted: Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 19:09
ThreadID: 110354 Views:2967 Replies:8 FollowUps:5
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Had a close call with the landrover engine yesterday when a oil cooler fitting decided to loosen up at the radiator,causing it to pump out half a sump full of oil in a very short period of time. It was only good luck I decided to pull into a servo to grab a drink,and spotted oil dripping everwhere Although its a first after seventeen years or ownership,it makes think how useless a oil light is or oil pressure guage is in this situation as the thing would pump all oil out in seconds and you would be lucky to spot warnings in time. A loss of oil alarm (similar to coolant loss) would be ideal, Should be something out there that I could fit up, Anyone Know a brand that's suitable?

The oldies are good but sometimes lack good technology.....LOL.

Cheers Axle.
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Reply By: Ron N - Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 19:17

Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 19:17
External high pressure oil hoses are a big no-no. A mate totally stuffed his 6.2L Chev V8 diesel when he blew an external oil hose.
He didn't know anything was wrong until the oil light came on, and by the time he pulled to a stop, she was all over, red rover.
AnswerID: 542638

Follow Up By: Axle - Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 20:19

Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 20:19
G/Day Ron ,Yes Hoses can be a pain with anything, But at least you can get around things , Oh the memories replacing steel pipes on some

FollowupID: 829083

Reply By: garrycol - Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 20:02

Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 20:02
If you shut down as soon as the oil pressure light came on, the engine would be OK but you would have to react immediately.

A person I know used to drive their car until the oil pressure light came on and then top up with oil - they thought the oil pressure light was the oil level light. Engine survived OK.
AnswerID: 542641

Follow Up By: Axle - Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 20:22

Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 20:22
Mate how lucky they must of been!!.

FollowupID: 829086

Follow Up By: Road Warrior - Monday, Dec 08, 2014 at 13:48

Monday, Dec 08, 2014 at 13:48
I had an engine that used to do this. It was a Falcon with the cast iron pre-crossflow 250 cube straight six.

It used to gobble through 4 litres of oil a week (that's right, a week) because one or two of the pots (or more) had stuffed rings, I couldn't afford to replace it at the time so drove it like this until I had enough money to replace the donk. I think short runs to and from work, without letting it get to operating temperature stuffed it (as well as age and wear).

That bloody thing copped so much abuse, running out of oil until you could hear it rattling and carrying on with almost zero oil pressure, but you know what, it never stopped running. Just fill it up with oil again and she'd be right...for another week. Absolutely indestructible.

When I finally had enough money to do something about it, I replaced it with a 302W, but since then the Aussie straight six has had my respect in spades.
FollowupID: 829215

Reply By: pop2jocem - Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 20:58

Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 20:58
The engine that currently resides under the bonnet of my venerable old Cruiser came out of an 80 series factory turbo. It has a level sensor in the side of the sump. I believe Toyota brought that feature out in around 1993.


AnswerID: 542644

Follow Up By: Ross M - Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 23:01

Saturday, Dec 06, 2014 at 23:01
Small Honda engines have an ignition Kill by an internal level switch.
On a LR it could be added and wired in to sound alarm or light if level went too low and would be well before engine danger.

Plenty of dead Honda's around at the local small engine man.
Make faces at him and he might throw one at you.
FollowupID: 829101

Reply By: The Bantam - Sunday, Dec 07, 2014 at 10:55

Sunday, Dec 07, 2014 at 10:55
It does not matter what guage or light anybody comes up with...this is no substitute for regular underbonnet and underbody checks.

Modern vehicles beeing so damn reliable, daily checks are pretty well a thing of the past in the mind of fact there would be a very large persentage of vehicles that dont get oil and water level or tyre pressures checked between services.

In the world of the general public, daily pre-start checks are pretty well unknown....but in most regulated work places particularly heavy equipment environments daily pre-starts most certainly are the norm.

There is a lot to be said for the old habbit of looking under the vehicle everytime you get in and out....Is'nt that what saved you bacon, Axle.

I don't think oil lights that cut the engine are a good idea on vehicles.......oil surge particularly at low level is very much a reality in motor vehicles.
The last thing we need is an engine cutting out at an in-opportune time.

As for oil level sensors.....yeh I don't know how well that would work.....considering after start up a fair portion of the oil will be elsewhere than in the sump, and oil does slosh arround in the sump quite a bit in a motor vehicle.

BTW......remember to check the oil hoses leading to and from both the turbo and the alternator in diesel vehicles.

AnswerID: 542666

Follow Up By: Slow one - Sunday, Dec 07, 2014 at 17:19

Sunday, Dec 07, 2014 at 17:19
low sump oil level sensors work very well. It has saved the destruction of quite a few heavy and light engines the same as low level coolant alarms have. No they don't suffer from oil surge in the sump either.
FollowupID: 829157

Reply By: Member - Rosco from way back - Sunday, Dec 07, 2014 at 19:00

Sunday, Dec 07, 2014 at 19:00
I seem to recall the diesel MQ Patrol we bought in 1987 had a low oil cut-out switch.
As I recall it caused mischief one time when my Bro and I were up at Fraser. The switch wasn't very well covered and salty sand plus squashed up jelly fish caused it to short out on a couple of occasions with the result the engine abruptly stopped on a number of somewhat less than propitious occasions.
AnswerID: 542689

Reply By: mikehzz - Sunday, Dec 07, 2014 at 22:03

Sunday, Dec 07, 2014 at 22:03
Axle, I have to say are in an older Land Rover and you spotted oil dripping everywhere from it.....I'm not sure why the alarm bells would be ringing? :-)
AnswerID: 542695

Reply By: Malcolm 02 - Monday, Dec 08, 2014 at 08:41

Monday, Dec 08, 2014 at 08:41
The Toyota Land Cruiser had a cut out switch in the sump operating through a timer to solve the surge problem when operating through extreme angles.
Saved an engine ounce when I did a service and left the vehicle without oil and the key in the ignition. Went for smoko and the vehicle was started without oil. Learnt a few lessons, never leave the keys in the ignition and always replace the oil before leaving the service even if you are going to be late for smoko.

PS the oil was replaced and no damage to the engine, just my pride.
AnswerID: 542702

Reply By: Echucan Bob - Tuesday, Dec 09, 2014 at 16:08

Tuesday, Dec 09, 2014 at 16:08

what sort of Landie?

My D2 popped an ATF connector at the front radiator and that sent ATF spewing on to the red dirt.

Needless to say, progress from there onwards was retarded.

They must use dodgy hydraulic connectors at Solihull.

AnswerID: 542750

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