My camper has 100amp deep cycle battery. 5 led lights, 1 small tv. (no built in dvd) Occasional kid device.
Over the course of a week camping, I noticed, using a multimeter it only used about quarter of a volt out of the battery.
Is there a way of measuring amps left on a battery with multimeter?
While not a lot of consumption, I have always been told you should really only go down to half of the battery, while fully draining occasionally is ok.
Im guessing flat is when it gets below 12v, and half way between the 12 and round figure of 13.8v is the half drain.
With that consumption, do I really need a 120 solar panel, or is that over kill? Shops keep trying to push one on me.
Last trip I tried a 20watt, but forgot to take readings, so above figures is without solar.
Hope this makes sense.