Thursday, Dec 18, 2014 at 16:52
I agree with Mark. I purchased an even earlier version of mudmaps with promises of updates and whats to come. Shortly after purchase all support stopped and he started selling mudmap HD. No option of a small fee to update and bring already purchased maps over (including all the westprint maps I paid for). Had to buy it all over again. No way I said..lesson learnt.
I decided then to never buy a product that locked users into their maps. I wanted to be able to use maps that were either ecw or ozf files. I could source aus 250k for free. All the 1:100k & 1:25k maps I needed free as I live in NSW. Bought the Hema maps on dvd in the format that meant I could use them in multiple applications.
So for my Ipad I settled on Twonav - much cheaper and more configurable to the way you want it to work. Their pc software allows you to convert the ozf/map and ecw files into their format (rmap) and this can be done with the free version. If I ever change devices and go andriod all I need to do is by ozi app and all the maps can be used on that. I dont need to buy them again.