This may interest some of you people out there,
Kakadu has put their Draft management Plan out for public comment, so here is your chance to voice you opinion as to how at least 1 of our National Parks is run.
Happy reading.
Kakadu National Park – Draft Management Plan
The last management plan for
Kakadu National Park, the fifth management plan (2007-2014) expired on 31 December 2013.
Kakadu Board of Management has prepared a new draft management plan to guide park management over the next 10 years.
The new draft management plan is a strategic document which sets out how the park will be looked after. It is also a legal document – it is essentially the law for the park under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), and sets out the activities that can and cannot be done in the park.
Preparation of
Kakadu’s new draft management plan
A 'have your say' process seeking input on the issues that should be addressed in a new management plan for
Kakadu was run in March 2012. The
feedback received during this process was considered by the
Kakadu Board of Management while preparing the draft management plan.
The preparation of this draft plan was also assisted by contributions from traditional owners, the
Kakadu Research Advisory Committee, the
Kakadu Tourism Consultative Committee, scientists, neighbours and key user groups of the park.
The new draft management plan is based around the values of the park, that is, the natural and cultural values. These values have been used to establish the policies and actions needed to protect and understand the values and share them with visitors.
This change has been made in response to
feedback received on the last management plan and taking into consideration new approaches to protected area management planning more generally. The new draft plan has also adopted a structure which separates the policies and actions of the Director of National Parks from those that apply to park users.
Draft Management Plan -
Kakadu National Park (PDF - 4.72 MB)
To assist readers of the draft plan a number of fact sheets have been prepared which are available here.
Making a submission on the new draft management plan for
Kakadu Board of Management is keen to receive your comments on the new draft management plan for
Kakadu. The draft plan is open for public comment from 3 December 2014 until 30 January 2015.
To have your say, return your submission via:
Email address: or
Postal address: Planning Officer,
Kakadu National Park
PO Box 71
Jabiru NT 0886
Comments on the draft management plan must be sent by 30 January 2015 to be considered. Comments sent after that date, or to a different address, will not be taken into account in finalising the plan.
A public comment submission form is also provided to help you prepare your comments on the draft plan. This form can be completed online, where it will be automatically submitted to the
Kakadu Plan email address, or downloaded and you can email or post the completed form to one of the above addresses. When commenting on the draft plan please be as clear and as specific as possible and provide references to the sections of the plan you are commenting upon.
Finalising the management plan
Kakadu Board of Management is keen to ensure that a new management plan for
Kakadu is put in place as soon as possible to guide how the park will be managed over the next 10 years.
After carefully considering the comments received on the draft plan, the
Kakadu Board of Management will submit the new plan to the Minister for approval, along with the Board’s response to the comments received. It is hoped that the new management plan, which will be the sixth management plan for the park, will come into effect before the end of 2015.
The vision for
The vision for
Kakadu National Park is that it continues to be one of the great World
Heritage areas, recognised internationally as a place where:
the cultural and natural values of the park are protected and Bininj/Mungguy culture is respected
Bininj/Mungguy guide and are involved in all aspects of managing the park
knowledge about country and culture is passed on to younger Bininj/Mungguy, and future generations of Bininj/Mungguy have the option to stay in the park to look after country
world-class visitor experiences are provided, and tourism is conducted in culturally, environmentally, socially and economically sustainable ways
disturbed areas are rehabilitated and reintegrated into the park
Bininj/Mungguy gain sustainable social and economic outcomes from the park
Further information
A number of fact sheets have been prepared to assist the public and park users understand the management planning process and read the draft management plan.
To find out more about the process of developing a new management plan for
Kakadu read our Planning steps fact sheet (PDF - 472.02 KB) .
The fact sheet Summary of the draft plan (PDF - 626.84 KB) summarises some of the key information and changes in the draft management plan.
For tourism operators, a fact sheet has been prepared to assist you read and understand the draft management plan, Tourism in the draft plan fact sheet (PDF - 525.9 KB) .
To find out more about Management Effectiveness and reporting in the draft management plan read our Management Effectiveness fact sheet (PDF - 553.12 KB) .
A Mini Plan has also been prepared to support communication with Bininj/Mungguy, the traditional owners of
Kakadu, on the draft management plan and invite their comments on it. The Mini Plan uses plain English and has also been translated into the local Gundjeihmi Aboriginal language. Mini Plan -
Kakadu National Park (PDF - 2.61 MB).
Other resources
The last management plan for
Kakadu which expired on 31 December 2013 is available here.
An independent technical audit of the last plan of management was completed in May 2012, and considered in the preparation of the new draft plan of management for
Kakadu. It is available here.
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