IT Support from Adele for EOTopo - FANTASTIC!

Submitted: Friday, Jan 09, 2015 at 22:40
ThreadID: 110669 Views:2174 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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I don't post on ExplorOz anymore, but I do feel it is important to express my appreciation to Adele in the IT Support department in the help she gave me in getting Ozieplorer and EOTopo onto my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 phone today.

We have a big time difference between South Africa and Australia, but Adele was answering my step by step questions with incredible speed and in a language I could understand, or rather the Samsung agent could understand.

Between the two of them they had my maps installed and I am now ready to go walking with EOTopo. I am so excited about my new GPS with its great big screen displaying all those sand ridges etc. :-)

When buying EOTopo I had not understood that EOTopo could not be installed onto my Garmin GPS, which was a bit of a shock. Adele suggested this alternative and I am very happy.

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Reply By: Member - Will 76 Series - Saturday, Jan 10, 2015 at 07:27

Saturday, Jan 10, 2015 at 07:27

Great to hear you got your Galaxy set up with EO Topo.
It is probably to late now, but OZtopo Version 6 will work with most Garmin units and can be also put on your laptop or PC with Garmins BaseCamp or MapSource programs which are free downloads from Garmin's website.

Regards Will
AnswerID: 544014

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