Samsung Tablet Car Chargers Revisited

Submitted: Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 11:33
ThreadID: 111013 Views:3608 Replies:5 FollowUps:4
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G'day Folks
Having recently purchased a Samsung Note 8, principally for in car GPS, I'm working through the list of software and aftermarket hardware purchases. After several hours on the web I had reached the usual point of knowing a lot more but being little closer to the definitive solution.

Sooo... it dawned on me the shorter road to home might be to add "exploroz" to my search terms. Up popped thread 105046 from a couple of years ago. It was of some passing comfort to read of Allan B's long search resulting in a sore eyes and a hurting head. If his head hurt mine should by now be rolling around on the floor. :)

It was more troubling to read that David and others had let the smoke out of a few USB adapters and cables.

Trying to grasp negotiating protocols between devices and power supplies is probably beyond my patience and certainly not my area of expertise.

Ok then, to the obvious question, any advances on finding a car charger that will happily keep up with a Note 8 running gps? Know lots of folks use them so some of them must have found an answer.

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Reply By: Member - Munji - Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 11:54

Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 11:54
My LG takes the same power cord as my Tablet 8 so I use it for both however, when both the tablet and phone are charged I disconnect them until they're ready for more charge.
For me I believe it will extend the battery life and I have had no problems thus far.
AnswerID: 545474

Reply By: ABR - SIDEWINDER - Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 12:21

Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 12:21
We stock a full range of chargers.

Possibly the best one being the 4.8A with voltage display.

Look here: New-Products

or the 5A cup holder type.


Derek from ABR
AnswerID: 545481

Reply By: Allan B (Member, SunCoast) - Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 15:01

Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 15:01
Hi Mark,

Until the experiences described in that thread 105046 I had not appreciated the pitfalls of USB charging. Many seem to get along without a problem but it can be 'The Luck of the Draw' as disclosed by the Silicon Chip article. I solved my Samsung issue by modifying a 12v/USB adaptor to suit the Samsung protocol and deliver 2 Amps.

Some care does not go astray with device charging from 12vdc adapters. I blew-up a mobile phone using a generic charger. Don't know why. I threw them both into the bin!

12V chargers specific to device brand are not too commonplace but here is a reference to one from Dick Smith that states "Samsung 2.0Amp Car Charger". I would not be certain that it is a 'Samsung' brand though. It may simply mean 'Suitable for Samsung.........'

One other thing to note....... these USB chargers are frequently described with a current rating of say '5 Amp' or '4.8 Amp' and have two or more USB sockets (as referenced above). In my experience the nominated current rating is the sum of the individual sockets and I believe that each socket should be marked with its delivery capability.


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AnswerID: 545491

Follow Up By: Allan B (Member, SunCoast) - Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 15:10

Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 15:10
Aha! I just ran the cursor 'magnifying glass' over the photo of the 'Samsung' charger from Dick Smith (referred to above) and behold, the word "Samsung" is clearly visible moulded into the product.
Sorry I doubted you Dick!

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Reply By: kevmac....(WA) - Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 16:59

Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 16:59
i use a $5 adapter from K Mart on my Samsung Tab2 for trips Albany to Perth and have had no problems. When tablet is charged use same adapter to keep Samsung Galaxy2 Mobile charged as well. Never had any over heating or similar.
AnswerID: 545497

Follow Up By: Member - Tony F8 - Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 19:18

Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 19:18
Allan, please don't doubt yourself, I've wired my 80 after following your posts, don't make me pull it all out.
Cheers champ.
FollowupID: 833068

Follow Up By: Allan B (Member, SunCoast) - Saturday, Feb 07, 2015 at 00:27

Saturday, Feb 07, 2015 at 00:27
Kevmac, As I have said before....... You can never be sure as to what will work until you have tried it!


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Reply By: Gnomey - Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 17:44

Friday, Feb 06, 2015 at 17:44
Thanks to all who have replied. Derek's first suggestion has my attention and I'll be following up with him to get a bit more detail.

For those who haven't read the earlier thread referred to and have a similar device to charge it might be worth a read.

I also found this article useful. It's here

I gather several things have to come together to get a good result. One is a 5v output of around 2amps and the other is the device accepting charge at that rate for which a cable without data carrying might (sometimes?) be required. If the device sees the power source as data related it may only allow charge at 500ma - ie it treats the source as a computer USB and looks after it by limiting the amperage. Again, not my field, but even i can see that 500ma might not be enough to keep up with a tablet screen going full bore for GPS use when the charge rate can be 2amp or more. That said Kevmac seems to have found a winner without too much drama.

Allan, thanks for the steer to the Dick Smith line. It's a single USB product and I'd prefer to pay for a dual if I can get one to do the same job.

AnswerID: 545501

Follow Up By: Sigmund - Saturday, Feb 07, 2015 at 10:15

Saturday, Feb 07, 2015 at 10:15
Just use the micro USB cable that came with the Note plugged into the cig socket adapter.

The Note's 240 v charger puts out 5v 2a.
FollowupID: 833097

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