Saturday, Feb 28, 2015 at 16:45
PeterD ,has it right .
THe best place for that article is the rubbish bin!!
Totally misleading.
To even suggest that a
home made adapter 10<15A is ok is unbelievable!
I wondere if the writer realy understood his own article.& on what basis he has made many of his comments
[a]There is no requirement under any Standard or regulations for an extension lead of any rating to be tested & tagged when used with a van etc in a CP
However the CP may ,as a condition of use ,require such.
It may be a condition in THEIR insurance,
[b]The Standards set & give a table of approved sized cables & max lengths & current ratings that each size can be used for
Any extension lead that does not comply to that Standard cannot be approved & SHALL NOT BE USED
[c] The Standards clearly state that "An extension lead SHALL have the same rated plug as socket "
Any lead no matter how short or long that does not comply to that , cannot be approved and SHALL NOT BE USED
[d]APPROVED 10A to 15A adaptors are available.
The ONLY one fully approved for caravan use in Cps ,
Showgrounds etc is the Ampthibian .
THey should be FIRST in line [no 10A extension lead] plugged direct into the 10A socket
[e]By agreement , vans etc can be fitted with a 10A inlet socket & be used with an APPROVED 10A extension lead
However the van must be fitted with a current limiting overload circuit breaker rated @10A
[f]I doubt you will find ANY AUS made vans with single pole switching
Double pole throughout has been an AUS requirement for a very very loooong time
In fact ,applied to ANY switch on ANY device connected by plug & socket[ tools , appliances ,power boards ,Transportable structures etc]
BUT New zealand is a different matter vans there can have either ,subject to certain other requirements.
[g]Polarity of extension leads is a relatively new rquirement in AUS
However since unlicensed persons shall not make up ,repair leads that should not be a problem,
Approved leads will have correct polarity .!
ps There would be many many older homes throughout Aus, whose power outlets may not be polarised to TODAY'S Standards
But they do still have the ACTIVE switched