Max Air Final report

Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 18:38
ThreadID: 11298 Views:1633 Replies:9 FollowUps:15
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Hi guys , spent some time on this subject today , so here are the results.

Max air compressor and the Ebay copy are NOT made in the same factory . They are both made in China , Max air is made by one company and the ebay special is coppied by some other company in china . They look the same but internals are diffrent . I am getting a list of the diffrent components tomorrow. I cannot remember if it was the piston or just the rings in the copy that are plastic and not metal.
Warranty is 5 years on the max air, Repair or replace depending on the problem . I will order 10 to start with and then order more if they are needed.

Price including GST will be $285.00 + freight . If you live Melbourne Metro , I will deliver it to you ( no extra cost ).

If you wish to purchase one , contact me by email on
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Reply By: Member - Steve G (WA) - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 19:59

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 19:59
So the one you are going to sell is a bushranger or copy ?
AnswerID: 50572

Follow Up By: Member Eric - Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 20:03

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 20:03
The bushranger with the 5 year waranty . I decided not to take the risc with the copy .

Ps , will come with the bag / airline & gadge
FollowupID: 312372

Reply By: Mark- Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 22:36

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2004 at 22:36
Are these similar to the 'Cyclone' compressors sold by Repco? If so I wonder if the Repco ones are the 'ebay copy' type? I doubt the Repco wty is anywhere near 5 years.
AnswerID: 50614

Reply By: Goran - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 00:33

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 00:33
At this stage i have to warn any potential customers to be AWARE.
The story about the difference between Max air and so called ''copy'' are coming from Bushranger and ARB in an atempt to divert and mislead you. It is one and the same compressor made by Yuyao Jindun Instrument & Meter Co Ltd of China.
The only bloody difference is the 5 year warranty by Bushranger. Mine is without the sticker and produces the same output as the one with the sticker.
That and ''Max Air''sticker is all you are getting for 200.00 extra. The story above is a nice try but it was doomed to fail. Look this company and it's products on the net.....Yuyao Jindun Instrument & Meter Co Ltd of China. Use your gut feeling.
AnswerID: 50635

Follow Up By: Member - Hugh (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 03:11

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 03:11

Thanks for your input to this discussion. Similarly Eric, your input has been equally good.

One is left in a dilemna as to what is the real story. My experiences in dealing with China suggest that both possibilities are plausable.

I guess if we had willing participants then it should be possible to remove the head from the compressor and inspect the piston assy for differences such as ring material, etc. Any one keen to assist?

At the end of the day, I think that Marklynn's comments sum it all up.

FollowupID: 312414

Follow Up By: Member Eric - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 07:40

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 07:40
Not wanting to back on anyone but my own gut feeling . Why would they have one apart now checking it and making coments on what parts are in the copy . He swore black and blue there not in the same factory , I then asked , can i quote what you said? his answer was short and straight , no problem . Now if they send me the doffrence in components and its not true , I would asume they are opening them selves to Law suits.

So then i looked at it for a simple way . Who cares whos right whos wrong , for the extra 40 or 80 $ I would rather the 5 year waranty
FollowupID: 312419

Reply By: marklynn - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 01:35

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 01:35
This debate about which compressor is better, bigger, smaller, taller, quicker, slower, Chinese, Japanese, Portugese, Balinese, pretty, ugly or whatever other influencing factor affects peoples purchase choice is becoming boring. Surely the bottom line is you buy what YOU want with YOUR money. Whether it takes x or y length of time to inflate 20 tyres seems irrelevant. So long as it fullfills personal requirements. From my point of view I never envisage inflating a B doubles worth of tyres so don't see the need for the best of the best with THE brand name. Value for money with reasonable performance seems to be the go.
AnswerID: 50640

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 15:25

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 15:25
Here here! Mine cost me $79 bucks and I don't care if I have to wait 30 seconds longer it's still bloody good! If it dies in 12 months and I buy another one, I'm still be in front!
FollowupID: 312478

Reply By: Goran - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 09:15

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 09:15
I took the head of my ''copy'' this morning. Piston and the rings are METAL.
End of discussion.
AnswerID: 50650

Follow Up By: Member - Bernie. (Vic) - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 22:19

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 22:19
Hi Goran
Ebay price + a hefty post & packing fee = not much difference
in the price in the end, 1 with 1 year & 1 with 5 year give me the 5year anytime ( man made & like a computer will crash in time).
I have a Grunter was $69 at Marlow does the job, but I don't want to be on My own when it dies.

FollowupID: 312544

Reply By: Member - Nick K (VIC) - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 12:07

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 12:07
Firstly, thanks Eric for researching this subject. Secondly according to Goran he can get the copy of the Bushranger for $85.00. Let us know were we can pick one up form for this price. Thirdly, the copies of this air compress on eBay are selling for between $220 to $280. Fourthly, after doing a lot of research myself and mainly getting advice from people that run 4x4 trips and tours all over Australia they can not more highly recommend the Bushranger Max air and might I add that this research was done before ARB bought out Bushranger. Fifthly, after having seen this air compressor work for myself (Little Desert trip thanks Gary for the demo) all the high recommendations and research I had done in the past, proved what a very good unit this is. To conclude, who cares were it comes from, if the price is right and it’s what you want do like Nike and “Just get it”. As a final thought why would I pay over $220 for a knock off when the real deal is priced a little bit more.
AnswerID: 50678

Follow Up By: Goran - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 12:22

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 12:22
Where did i say you can pick this compressor for 85.00 ??? About 180.00 to 200.00 from Ebay.
All i said is that it was the one and the same compressor. If you want to pay 100.00 for the sticker go for it mate.
FollowupID: 312456

Follow Up By: Member Eric - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 18:26

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 18:26
he is not paying $60 to $85 more for a sticker , he is paying this for the extra 4 years warranty . If there both the same sh*t and they pack up in 3 or 4 years at least we will gwt it replaced for nothing .

I dont understand why you are fired up , If you are happy with your purchase , that, fantastic , In the near future we will all be the wiser once we use these compressors for a year or 2 , then we can all make up our minds on what is better value . The little desert trip proved something to me , We had 5 diffrent comprerssors running & and gary's impressed me . Now I dont want to take away from the blue tonge and the BIg red , they also worked well, I was just impressed on speed and the sound of the motor and high pressures ,If I hadnt seen it for my self, I could have lisened to another Hr of controvercy.
FollowupID: 312497

Follow Up By: Goran - Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 09:56

Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 09:56
Eric, i am not fired up about anything. You are right about the warranty issue, and i mentioned this in my earlier post. I am not trying to argue here about the value for the money, but rather the fact that both compressors are built in the same factory and are in fact the same unit.
You are the one pushing stories about plastic pistons and rings ( proven not to be the case). Where are those independant test results you announced on the begining of this tread. If you want to sell some of this Max Air units to your mates good luck, but don't spread unconformed, untested wild theories.
FollowupID: 312579

Follow Up By: Member Eric - Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 17:49

Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 17:49
Now you have P**ed me off . Dont accuse me of spredding stories when I have gone out of my way to find info on a product . If I was given info that's contovertial , I would like to know about it to dirrect it back to them . All I have done is try to resurch a product as best as i can . I also am purchasing the same item for the reason of warranty only . But dont come on here with the goll of saying I am pushing stories , Its people like yourself that stop us from trying to do something for the group . I am very disupointed in coments Goran . You only need to look in the part to see the amount of work I put into this forum , removing parts i have installed to photograph them for forumites and tried to find discounted items to save people money .

I am very upset with your coment Goran . How dare you speak to me in such a manner withought knowing me .

FollowupID: 312660

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 22:22

Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 22:22
I'd be payin the extra $80 for 4 years warranty... without question...
FollowupID: 312736

Follow Up By: Goran - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 10:06

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 10:06
This has gone far enough Eric. No one has denied your dedication and usefullness on this forum. I am also sorry that i upset you so much even if i don't really understand why. Why are you jumping up and down so much Eric, just look at your post on the begining of this thread. I am simply saying that you made a claim about this product that you couldn't back it up. I proved that the parts in question are NOT plastic but metal. I also have proof same factory makes this units (same). I understand that you have gotten this second hand info from Bushranger or ARB (distributors of Max Air) and you posted this here.That is why i said that you pushing second hand stories and i stand by that statement. I on the other hand got in touch with the manufacturer and got my answers from there and other places plus i opened this unit and did the proper inspection before i made statements regarding this product. That is how the research is done, so get off your high horse and go and buy and sell what you like.
FollowupID: 312793

Follow Up By: Member Eric - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 19:03

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 19:03
Goran .
For starters you entered something with out know ing all the facts. My interest in getting these compressors was due to seen one in operation. Afew people in the forum have purchased items in Bulk in the past . These people approched me to try and get a better deal from retail . I went off to do this . In the mean time there was mention of copies on ebay , and debait on are they the same compressor . So I asked the question , My answer was as you know , not the same , swore black and blue , yada yada yada . I was also told of plastic components. Now I wish I had both compressors infront of me to dissusemble and inspect components ect . I only got upset with you , due to your atitude . I got upset when you said I was pushing stories . I think I did enough research on the matter from pricing and figuring out that the extra money was well spent on warranty . Now had you come back after inspecting your compressor and finding that it didnt have plastic componnents and brough it to my attention is a orderly manner and not shot at me with both barrels . I would have love to use it as a negotiating tool . The forum is a usuful tool when used wisely . I am only upset at the way you brought your points across . It seamed like you spent more time defending your purchase, than assisting me or others on getting to the bottom of this . Now i wont even comment on the high horse , because I dont want to get into another petty discussion. I think we should both move on and work together as a group , instead of trying to find out who is right and who is wrong . Now that I have a bushranger in my hand , would love to sit down with someone who had a (supossed ) copy , so we can see for our selves if they are 1 and the same . As I said before , I stopped when the prices were so close together that it didnt matter . And by the way , just so you know , Its degrading to someone when you say , buy and sell whatever you like to your mates .
FollowupID: 312852

Reply By: Mrs Diamond - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 22:15

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 22:15
Hi Eric.
Put Jim down for one please and bring it to Wombat if your heading that way on Anzac weekend.We will head up on the friday night.Hope you can make it there.
AnswerID: 50774

Follow Up By: Member Eric - Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 22:34

Wednesday, Mar 17, 2004 at 22:34
has already emailed me Mrs diamond lol . already done
FollowupID: 312550

Reply By: ianmc - Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 01:06

Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 01:06
Maybe there is some confusion creeping in here!
On Ebay there are two similar looking compressors & one is the "heavy duty" Max Air look alike , the other being a similar looking smaller one for under $100.
I bought one like it from Autobarn on appro that if it did what stated , ie pumped a 31" tyre from 15 psi to 32 psi in X minutes I would keep it.
It struggled to reach 32psi & took 3 times the stated period on the box so it went back & I got my money back.
Cant see you getting anything worthwhile under the ebay$200+ & I feel that the ebay system is being manipulated at times as the sale prices are always about the same.That applies to the little gennies too!
AnswerID: 50805

Follow Up By: Mad Dog Morgan (Geelong) - Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 09:59

Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 09:59
Thanks Ianmic, I was looking at those cheaper ones. The specs sounded ok and thought it might do as a backup to my ARB but if it struggles to reach 32...
The Ebay price for the super heavy duty compressor has gone up as awareness to the product grew. They used to go for 180/190 but that has risen to 220 and the latest price is 225 with 11 hours to go. Add on 19 to 36 for postage and the price is creaping up to the discounted max air price and only a one year warranty from Ebay that's worth Jack Crap after you've left good feed back. It's pretty obvious the best way to go.
FollowupID: 312580

Follow Up By: Goran - Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 19:47

Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 19:47
Mad dog don't be concerned. Read my posts regarding this compressor.
FollowupID: 312681

Reply By: Goran - Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 19:51

Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 19:51
However if that is the case.....go for Max Air.
AnswerID: 50934

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