Sunday, Mar 21, 2004 at 19:53
Went to Rays in Dande and Frankston to look at GPS'. Gee they are highly trained quality professionals at them stores...
Me: Can you show me some GPS pls.
Rays Quality Staff Member Yes sir, which ones
Me: Platinum and Colour Meridians..
RQSM: ... Heres the Platinum, oh the batteries are flat, but thats what it looks like...
Me: I would like to see it work, Im not paying $1000 to hope it looks like I want it to
RQSM: with attitude I supposed I'll have to put batteries in it then (they were no more than 20 feet away)
Me: Yes you will, thanks
After going away, then fumbling for 10 mins she manages to put 2 batteries in....
RQSM: oh it still doesnt work (with new Duracell's in it...) thats not good
Me: thats a good advertisement for a $1000 toy, your demonstrator is dead?
RQSM: It appears that way..
Me: Can you show me the Marine then so I can see how
bright the
screen is pls? Are they similar?
RQSM: They are identical, no differences
Me Biting my tounge like never before...: Then why are there 2 models?? do you really know anything about these?
RQSM: Yes sir, I have one of these (holding up the Marine) at
home myself!
I burst out laughing to the point where the wife hit me. Thats my favorite line of them all!
Me: Im not sure how to work this thing, can you show me how to get to a map screen that shows the roads, and a pointer to where we are please?
You could see the panic in her eyes....
RQSM: I'm not sure... Its in the manual there if you like....
Me: Can you show me a colour then please?
RQSM: They are not out yet, we are waiting for the next generation Colour to come out soon... (code for either I have no idea, or we dont have them in stock)...
Me: its been out for 6-12 months
RQSM: No it isnt, or we would have it in stock.
Me ... If you dont have it, please just say so, I hate to be bolloxed around... you couldnt really be that dumb could you? and walked out.
If anyone knows where the store is its a new shoppin center(autobarn, Rays, supercheap, JB hifi, and some lighting store and a Goodguys), with about 5 parkin spots per
shop, which should have 20-40 per store... SO its a PITA ANYTIME to go there... Greed again, more shops less customer service by having no
Me Stood there for 10 mins asked 4 different staff members can they show me GPS, asked one of them twice, nobody there Could be phukt..
Me Walked out.
So looked at Platinum and Marine so far, the Colour doesnt exist on the planet... its a dream we are all having, those Ebay sellers are all scammers...