Submitted: Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 12:02
ThreadID: 11383 Views:1645 Replies:6 FollowUps:8
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For the past few oil changes I have been using repco oil as it is cheap and comes in 10 litre containers in my 2h motor apparently it is valvoline oil. My question is if you change the oil every 5000k does the type of oil make much difference as it is my belief that the more expensive oils that have more additives really come of a benifit in prolonging oil change intervals and in extreme operating conditions (eg gymkhanas) also does the oil filter need to be changed every oil change or every 10,000k. I relize I could just buy expensive oil and change the filter every 5,000 but is it neccessary? -- any pearls of wisdom o forumites!
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Reply By: Roachie - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 12:30

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 12:30
I know where you're coming from. I have a 2000 Gu 4.2 T/D Patrol and I was recently embroiled in a series of Posts about the pros/cons of "Cruiser Oil".

I have always believed that "oils is oils is oils" but I'm about to change mine tomorrow and stick 10.5 ltrs of this expensive stuff in to see if it does produce a marked improvement in my fuel economy &/or noticeable power/torque increase.
I always change my oil @ 5000 intervals and even though the Nissan book says the filters only need to be done every 2nd change, I change the mongrels every time anyway.....I can't see the point of putting nice clean oil through dirty filters.

There seems to be a lot more to this subject than origianlly meets the eye. Things like ask content affecting bottom end motor wear rates etc. Oh Shyte....My brain is starting to hurt again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I plan to keep my truck for 500,000 if possible (117,000 at present), so I consider spending money on it at this point to improve it's life span, is money well spent. Then again, with this Cruiser Oil, if it's cutting back on friction as claimed, is it really lubricating properly; or is it so thin that it won't provide a good film between the moving parts? It's all too much; I think I need a stiff drink!!!

The bottom line is that even if my rig blows up at some time in the future, it will be hard to tell why it's happened. Could be crappy coolant system. Could be the oil. Could be the oil filters I use (not genuine, I just grab whatever brand is available) etc etc.

I can't spend my whole life worrying about something that might never happen and over which I have stuff-all control.


AnswerID: 51045

Follow Up By: Davoe - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 13:36

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 13:36
yea pretty hard to nail this sort of thing down to hard facts, so I was just after opinions. Like the time i put slick 50 in my camry coz I was told it was fantastic. Did it make my motor last longer? nup! wrote it off with 180k I do have my doubts about oil being able to increase performance though. I guess as forumites try this cruiser oiletc we shall find out anecdotally weather it is the new sliced bread or another hiclone
FollowupID: 312820

Follow Up By: Member -Bob & Lex (Sydney) - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 15:56

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 15:56
We use Valvoline in our trucks & the 4by. I also change the oil & filters @ 5000 it's cheap insurance ( 1 truck did 1,000,000k's before rebuild ). I will be interested in the results of your test Roachie
FollowupID: 312830

Follow Up By: Martyn (WA) - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 21:15

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 21:15
I did this once and put some exotic expensive oil in the engine, then I had a problem where i had to drain some oil out of the engine when I was away, luckily I had two spare oil filters but I ended up draining all the "best oil" out and had to put good oil back in again because no one had any of the exotic oil to top the sump up. Yes I know I should of carried more of the exotic oil but under normal running the engine wouldn't use a litre over 5000 klms. Plus if you're doing a long trip over 5000 klms you end up carrying enought of the "best oil" to do a complete change.
Just a thought but I've been caught and it hurt draining 7 litres of really good oil that had only done a 1000 klms. The problem I had was a leaking sump plug if you where interested.
Keep the shiny side up

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FollowupID: 312858

Reply By: biscuits - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 13:18

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 13:18
I consider it insurance I guess long term.

My first car was a Nissan Silvia with a 1.8L turbo in it - and i've seen what happens to these engines when people dont follow the 'change your oil + filter every 5000kms' rule. Oil lines are very prone to getting gummed up, bearings in the turbo get starved of oil and the whole turbo siezes. One particular engine I know of went through two turbos and then the engine bearings went to lunch. I bet money it didnt see regular oil changes.

The viscosity of the oil that makes a big difference too. High performance oils have a low viscosity when cold which I think provides better protection when you first crank the car over in the morning (cold engine being the worst time for wear I believe). You only have to look at how quickly petrol engines turn oil black to see how much junk they pick up in them.

My general rule of thumb is non turbo engine it doesnt matter so long as u change it regularly and according to manufacturers directions. Use thin oil in a new car, thick in a old one. Petrol turbo, semi-synthetic minimum - for the turbo if anything. Diesel - well not much choice there i dont think. Doing an oil change twice a year yourself isnt particularly hard so i figure why not. Im a fan of the repco oils too. Their semi-syth oil is good value i reckon.

AnswerID: 51047

Reply By: Rod E B - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 14:25

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 14:25
What does a reponsible person do with the used oil

AnswerID: 51054

Follow Up By: biscuits - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 14:48

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 14:48
put it back in the container the new oil came in and leave it out on bin day for the council recycling truck to pick up?

FollowupID: 312823

Follow Up By: navaraman - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 17:20

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 17:20
I change oil and filter every 5000ks using Castrol diesel. As for the old oil my council won't take it so I have a nice collection of dirty oil sitting behind the shed. I'm getting the 4by serviced and snorkel fitted in a workshop in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping they'll take the old oil for me, charging a levy of course. You get nowt for nowt these days.
FollowupID: 312844

Follow Up By: Rod E B - Saturday, Mar 20, 2004 at 16:05

Saturday, Mar 20, 2004 at 16:05
My council will not pick up oil , and I cannot take it there .
I have to wait for the " clean-up" programs

FollowupID: 312904

Follow Up By: G.T. - Tuesday, Mar 23, 2004 at 13:00

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2004 at 13:00
I personally hold the opinion that the oil seller should hold the responsibility of taking back the used oil that they originally sold when new. Unfortunatley most of them do not want to know you when you want to bring it back! If you buy your oil from a servo, and they don`t want to take your used back, just leave it by the pump next time you refuel. My local dump will take used oil at no charge. I have yet to try taking used oil back to Dept. stores such as K Mart, Big W etc etc.
Regards G.T.
FollowupID: 313295

Reply By: Rowler - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 20:33

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 20:33
If your in a city you will be able to drop off your used oil at a recycling centre.
Do a search & you will find plenty.

Cheers Rowler (dave)
AnswerID: 51094

Follow Up By: G.T. - Tuesday, Mar 23, 2004 at 12:42

Tuesday, Mar 23, 2004 at 12:42
I personally hold the opinion that oil sellers should shoulder the responsibility of taking back the used oil. Unfortunatley most of them want to sell you their oil , but don`t want to know you if you bring back your used oil. I buy my oil from a servo when ever possible, and if they won`t take my used oil back I just leave it by the pump next time I refuel. I have also used the recycling centre at my local dump when I have not bought my oil from a servo, this does not cost any thing.
Regards G.T.
FollowupID: 313291

Reply By: Member - Jeffrey - Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 21:02

Friday, Mar 19, 2004 at 21:02
Hi Davoe,
For longlivety of your truck use only good brands with their additive rating clearly marked on the containner I cant remember the rating letter but everyone is there for differant part of the engine and if it's on the container it's guaranteed to be in the oil,multy viscosty eexplained simply when cold the oil is rolled up like clenched fist witch gives you a lower rating lets say 15w as it becomes hot the fist uncoil and makes the oil thicker,yes i would IMHO change the filter every time with a knowen brand as I have heard stories of filter blocking oil flow and we know what that means.anyway email one of the oil companies and they should be able to set you striaght.Hope this helps.
All The Best In Health And Wealth
Jeffrey (AKA JD)
AnswerID: 51097

Reply By: Diesel 1 - Saturday, Mar 20, 2004 at 10:11

Saturday, Mar 20, 2004 at 10:11
G'day Davoe,
I have always been a staunch advocate of using the best oil available and without going into too much detail, the main reason is that I have seen too many engine problems due to the use of 'cheap' oil. I'm a diesel mechanic with mainly Toyota experience and I have lost count of the number of rebuilds that I have done over the years. I am not suggesting that they have all been due to using bleep oil, but I do believe that a high percentage of the rebuilds could have been avoided if the owners had employed best practice principles and carried out regular servicing (preferably every 5,000 kms with filter change) and used a quality oil.

I guess the thing a lot of people don't appreciate is that oil is not only for lubrication, it also cleans and cools the internal engine components. As you can well appreciate, diesel is a dirty fuel and leaves a lot of carbon and sulphur deposits in the oil - to extend the life of the engine, you need to get rid of this crap on a regular basis. A quality oil will generally clean your engine far better than the cheapies on the market.

Fair enough, you can save some money by using the cheaper option in both oils and after market filters, but in the long term it is a false economy.

Diesel 1
AnswerID: 51142

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