Track closures - Wombat

Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 15:21
ThreadID: 11523 Views:2001 Replies:8 FollowUps:17
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Since there has been 0 discussion here seems people are rolling over and playing dead accepting track closures. Shame really..

if anyone really cares check some info about last night here
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Reply By: GOB & denny vic member - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 16:35

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 16:35
goodday truckster
i was 1 of the 200 odd people there last night was interestingsome of the things discussed especially the "not very well advertised" bit unfortunately due to work commitments today i missed the outcome of the night but presume there is now a working committee with vic4x4 and other interested parties

AnswerID: 51789

Reply By: Bonz (Vic) - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 18:07

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 18:07
Well after reading that I am planning on going, but I will be in the XR not the Patrol...does that count?
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AnswerID: 51810

Follow Up By: Member Eric - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 23:01

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 23:01
you may not want to post rig picks like that mate , you may get told you were desrtoing the enviroment lol
FollowupID: 313618

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:01

Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:01
Eric, what some people see as destroying the environment in this case is me dsitribution water over a wide area to NOURISH the environment. On this gazetted track the water benefitted many millions or organisms and micro-organisms. I have even had favourable press from the MOWER group, Micro Organism Water Enrichment Rally group. They said WOW, Water Our Women

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FollowupID: 313902

Follow Up By: Member Eric - Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:32

Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:32
i need to write this down for future refrence lol
FollowupID: 313908

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:35

Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:35
You're welcome Eric, its a little known fact that some things are misunderstood
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FollowupID: 313909

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:35

Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:35
You're welcome Eric, its a little known fact that some things are misunderstood
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FollowupID: 313910

Reply By: Willem - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 19:02

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 19:02
We do give a care but many of us are so far away from the issue that it does not raise a concern. I would have thought that as there are so MANY 4wd enthusiasts in Victoria that by now you would have a concerted campaign going and lobbying whichever authority against closures. Why are the tracks being closed. Is it because of environmental damage or just bloody mindedness. There must be a reason behind these closures. Where do these tracks go and are they essential etc etc.
AnswerID: 51821

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 19:13

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 19:13
Hi Willie

the area has long been hallmarked by conservationists...chaining themselves to trees etc etc,...from the time I've lived up here [ 7 years] has been an issue locally, unfortunately !? [depending on your point of view of course] there are some very vocal supporters of this on'll be interesting to see what transpires in the local press


you know
FollowupID: 313561

Follow Up By: Baz (NSW) - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 20:50

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 20:50
Hey Truckster, being so far away myself could not go to meeting to help but Willem is right must be some reason for the tracks being closed and is it permanent or is it temporary like a track in Barrington Tops because of a fungal disease, so it does'nt spread to other parts of the park or other parts of NSW OR INTERSTATE even worse, or is it because of that minority that spoils it for everyone. Every recreational activity has them and unfortunatly, the conservationists who see these moron's generalise and think that everyone who rides a trailbike or a jetski or drives a 4x4 are the same, also most people usualy want someone else to do all the hard work, like go to the meetings write all the letters come up with compromises, lobby to parliment or there local member. Being a life member of northern districts motorcycle club i know of the the trouble it takes to get people to help to do anything, just getting them to race meetings to help was a chore. anyway it's not that people don't give a bleep , it's they want someone else to give a bleep for them.


FollowupID: 313585

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 21:58

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 21:58
this is permanent.. they are talking of changing to wilderness area... Nobody can go in, bushwalkers to 4wds to horses etc... NOBODY.

they want it to be there in 10,0000,0000,0000,00000,000 years time for somene to see.
FollowupID: 313601

Follow Up By: Willem - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 22:50

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 22:50
Well Truckster if no one is allowed in the maybe it will be a good thing.
FollowupID: 313612

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 08:47

Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 08:47
Yes willem that would be fantastic.. once they get their rules set that nobody is allowed in there, they will spread likebleep
FollowupID: 313662

Follow Up By: Joe - Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 21:46

Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 21:46
Hi Willem,
In scaning the info provided at site refered by Truckster, I understand that this is a Govt Pilot Strategy that is called CFM. Community Forest Management. In this pilot The Brack's Govt is allowing local communities to have the management roll in forests, so if we want to be able to share in the use of forests as 4wd people our numbers must be represented.
The Govt seems keen to see this model work and will probably then aim to roll it out across every forestry area.
So it is important that we have a roll. This is a seperate matter to closures that have occurred for sensitive environmental reasons.
As I understand it Qld and NSW have had major closures and in Victoria we seem to be headed same way, however with CFM management , 4wd along with the other user groups can responsibly play a part in managing forests in each local area.
For this reason we should give as much support to those acting on our behalf, so that they can see we are behind them.
FollowupID: 313788

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 21:55

Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 21:55
Hi Joe,

Thanks for that. Can you give me details of those who are acting ion our behalf so that I may contact them.
FollowupID: 313792

Reply By: Jeff (Beddo) - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 22:28

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 22:28
The big green groups have a lot of punch and they push wilderness big time by doing form letters etc and ensuring that they get on steering committees for park plans of management etc. I don't know the area your talking about ! But all I can say is don't just say keep all tracks open if you do letters etc - think about it and say that these certain tracks should be left open for this reason - think where there are erosion issues and try to come up with solutions or so - closure at certain times etc, gating the trail with controlled access by responsible groups - then the land managers know who has used what and these groups can report on the trail or assist with management issues perhaps. If there are issues with trail bikes and 4WD's head onns etc maybe you could suggest making certain trails one way. If extreme 4WDing occurs I can see this as a major issue for environmentalists - you could suggest certain areas for this type group with suggestions such as maintenance of these areas by the users with such things as erosion control devices like roll over drains, sediment traps, sediment dams etc. You could also look at the favorite tracks and routes used by 4WDers and other groups and suggest zones - one area for bushwalkers and one or horses, bikes , 4WDs and the provision of buffers between some of these conflicting groups. Example trail bikes which are noisey could be zoned away from the bushwalkers and horses. Also consider the fire management - what trails would be used for what.
Hopefully common sense will prevail and your areas in Vic will not end up like the National Parks in NSW where there is no access by anyone except for the fit and young who can bushwalk everywhere. Wilderness don't let it happen - means that there will be no access - not even controlled access. Wilderness is just a way of getting political points with the greens. It is funny they when they name an area wilderness you would think that means the place is left as wilderness and not touched - wrong - if you get a fire in it they send in ther dozers and new tracks are everywhere. Wilderness shouls only be in areas where there are no trails and fire can be let run if they are ignited naturally by lightning.
Anyway sounds like I should get down there and see it before it is closed.
Do we have a contact where support for the non closure of the area can be forwarded. Also is there a tourist map on the area which shows all the trails (perferrably avail on the net).
AnswerID: 51857

Reply By: Member - Toonfish - Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 23:39

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2004 at 23:39
one of the few places in the region that allows a fair spread of all recreational users , NOW on group want it for themselves , I THINK NOT!!!!

First of all they stopped logging then closed many tracks for users in vehicles .

Ask some jobless timbermill workers in town an watch for their response .

basically the city hippies move up here then tell people how to keep their forest alive by basically stopping all access by all parties except of course tree hugging love hippies on a federally funded fact finding mission to show the government has there views to heart (bollocks!).

I B4 i had my own 4by was a fairly avid bushwalker with sensible vies on sustainabilty but todays government has it wrong in many ways with many NSW parks closed altogether and many with restricted access the same apparently goes in QLD.
It is alright for the parks people to put a price on day entries to deter visitors but do they do an enviromental assessment when blazing new dozer trails (barring fire acces trails obviously ).

join the RUD yahoo group as truckster posted above in a new post to combine the recreational users to combat more closures!

AnswerID: 51876

Follow Up By: Eric from Cape York Connections - Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 06:20

Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 06:20
Toon fish whats the story on the knives ,that picture realy dosnt explain all that much .
Do you make them or collect them.

All the best
FollowupID: 313651

Follow Up By: Member - Bernie. (Vic) - Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 07:09

Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 07:09
Very well said Mr Toonfish

FollowupID: 313652

Follow Up By: Baz (NSW) - Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 09:42

Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 09:42
Idont know if anyone know's this but NPWS is currently under restructure and will be amalgamated with EPA, Royal Botanic Garden's and a couple of other bodies to form a new body, how do i know you say and please dont bombard me with abuse cause i'm all for access to these area's me and family go off road to, on bike's and with the 4x4, anyway, my other half work's at NPWS headquarters at Hurstville, and at the moment she's not a happy camper, if you think NPWS is tough, wait till the EPA take over. Oh Jeff if you have ever been to RFS headquarters when the fire's are on, which i suspect you have, she's the short redhead in the NPWS uniform barking order's at everyone, all the guy's there know her, trust me you could'nt miss her.

FollowupID: 313678

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:56

Friday, Mar 26, 2004 at 17:56

Toonie is a professional knife wielding ....CHEF
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FollowupID: 313916

Follow Up By: Member - Toonfish - Saturday, Mar 27, 2004 at 00:58

Saturday, Mar 27, 2004 at 00:58
Sorry eric (apologies for off thread topic)

I am Chef de Cuisine of a conference accomadation centre in a major chain of motels.

unless you need a tour cook!
FollowupID: 313991

Reply By: Willem - Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 20:05

Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 20:05
Following up on the whole of this thread.

Apologies to the site owners for following Trucksters example of using bad language..unforgivable. I see however that the bad language substituter is working. Thank you for that.

These issues of closures etc are emotive and people get so wound up about them blaming everyone who is seemingly against whatever we as 4x4 recreationalist do. Whilst the area concerned is a long way away from where I am it is still a worry that area are being closed to the public.

The only way to fioght this is to bombard the Minister concerned with letters and emails as the final say rests with him/her.

So many time you have posted these issues on this forum without giving any for or against proposals or presentiung any facts. Then posters get on the bandwagon and cry out their own bit of hysteria which in the end is just a lot of hot air.

If you want us to help then do something constructive about it. Tell us the facts and give us a run down on the issues and the contact addresses of the politicians responsible for these areas and then maybe we will be able to help.
AnswerID: 51944

Reply By: Joe - Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 22:41

Thursday, Mar 25, 2004 at 22:41
Hi Willem,
Truckster provided the site in an earlier post
AnswerID: 51995

Reply By: Rossco100series - Sunday, Mar 28, 2004 at 02:50

Sunday, Mar 28, 2004 at 02:50
I do a lot of 4wdriving in Lerdederg and Wombat and speaking to the ranger. I have found that some of the tracks that are closed are because it's in a water catchment area and are trying to prevent silt build up. And I have also been told they may be opening up tracks again that where closed but they will colour coded as to how hard they will be. And you enter at your own risk and if you get stuck don't call the ranger he will just refer you to the SES at Bachus Marsh.

AnswerID: 52242

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