I can see by the pix, yr all havin a fine time, indeed. Good on ya!
I was at
the Rock, 20 yrs ago, mid-Feb. HOT AS...! Couldn't get myself out of bed at 3am, like my companion, to do the European spiritual thing and CLIMB it. Rangers would " close access" by 10am then, cos of the powerful radiant heat. No, I "rocked up" after breakfast, for a stroll round it, having organised a driver to come and collect me. Awesome, never forget first impression, from an Ansett plane window. Yr heart jumps to yr throat. Walking round it the next day, the heat (& flies) also unforgettable ;-) I had the net round the face and the climbing gloves on , trying to ward off both.
Dinner outside, with Lady
Dingo hanging round the Barby, was another reminder this was unfamiliar territory.
One of these days, I hope to pay another visit. Heart of Australia that few Aussies see , smell & feel
Lap up the sun, you three!