My rig photo

Submitted: Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 14:56
ThreadID: 11655 Views:1429 Replies:3 FollowUps:38
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Yippee!! Thanks to Mrs. Al (Lyn) I should now be able to display a photo of the beloved troopie. Lyn managed to shrink the picture so that it would upload.
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Reply By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 15:03

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 15:03
No worries Anne....glad you could upload your Troopie

AnswerID: 52412

Follow Up By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 15:11

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 15:11
I see you are back in the scrap heap Mrs. Al. Don't tell Andrew & Jenelle but we just had 27 rain drops. Exciting.
FollowupID: 314196

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 15:17

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 15:17
Hi Ruth,

I won't tell Al you described a piece of his treasure as being part of a scrap heap [and I'm talking of the truck and not me...hahhaha]

27 drops could lead to more....we've had rain here today....almost forgot what it smelled like....

FollowupID: 314197

Follow Up By: Member - Andrew & Jen (Melb) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:34

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:34
Thanks to Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for my member message warning me about the rain at Birdsville and the need to snorkel extensions, gumboots and my oilskin coat. Lovely to have FRIENDS to keep me informed of the latest developments up there.
FollowupID: 314223

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:35

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:35
Ahhh Lynda why didnt you crop the pic too so we can see the beloved troopie up close and personal?
Time is an illusion produced by the passage of history

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FollowupID: 314225

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:37

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:37
Geez you think I'm clever or something....actually Anne does have another one closer..she might upload that one too
FollowupID: 314227

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:40

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:40
Andrew methinks you've gone mad...I didn't member message you....or maybe I did and I"ve know...what with my great age and
FollowupID: 314230

Follow Up By: Member - Andrew & Jen (Melb) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:39

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:39
I am with you Bonz - can't even read the numberplate. Cmon Maaaaaaaaaaa - get your act together. Have you tried Ginko Biloba for that memory problem............ yeh yeh .....Can't remember if you have tried it or not.
FollowupID: 314246

Follow Up By: Member - Andrew & Jen (Melb) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:44

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:44
By the way - this is the Member Message you sent us.

"Hi Andrew and Jen

That Ruthy is a naughty scoundrel. She wanz you to turn up in Birdsville without your wet weava gear and then she will lol at you. She has post that it has rained up there and doesn't want you to know. Rooly nice people like yooz shoodnt suffa coz of ratbagz like er.

Luv from yer Maaaaaaaaaaaaa...."

Do you remember it now??


FollowupID: 314250

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:52

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:52
Hi Andrew...haven't tried that Ginko Biloba stuff yet...sounds like a name of a Hobbit....

and there's an imposter...I would never sign a message "luv from yer Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" should know that...
FollowupID: 314252

Reply By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 16:44

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 16:44
Anne, That Mrs Al, she's a real pearler. She did the same for me about 12 months ago and she still talks to me. One day I'll work it out how to do it myself and change the photo to a different one.LOL
AnswerID: 52432

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 16:55

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 16:55
what about that pic you sent me the other day....the one after that fateful weekend !
FollowupID: 314214

Follow Up By: Baz (NSW) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:26

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:26
Decided time for a change as well, say thank you ness, thank you ness.

FollowupID: 314220

Follow Up By: Member - Eskimo - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:29

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:29
and what about the one you sent me Lyn
You know the one that tells me that only Jesus loves me but everyone else thinks I'm a ....well .... goodlooking
FollowupID: 314221

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:30

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:30 should put Honey and Pepper there too...upset Willie a bit..ahahhahaha
FollowupID: 314222

Follow Up By: Baz (NSW) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:36

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:36
Changed both, strong girl my ness. Ness help's me with this sort of stuff, i'm learning " slowly".

FollowupID: 314226

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:39

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:39
Richard...the forum isn't ready for that one I sent you....ahahahaha

Baz..I saw the other one was changed too...Ness is a strong girl isn't she...ahahha
FollowupID: 314228

Follow Up By: Member - Eskimo - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:50

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:50
Lyn...are you trying to say thats its not what everyone else thinks of but rather its only you ?
FollowupID: 314232

Follow Up By: Baz (NSW) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:58

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 17:58
Honey and Pepper will come later, don't want to upset anyone this early only been a member for 6 week's, lol, or is it too late, hahahahaha.


ps, i think Billy's baiting you, hehehe.

FollowupID: 314233

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:09

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:09
And here is me thinking you were a smart fella..hmmm more like a smart arse...hahahahaha

So there IS photographic evidence of the mishap on the nursery slopes.......
FollowupID: 314238

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:14

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:14
Baz.......Do not be afraid.....My very first reply early in 2002 to a post on this forum had some members screaming mad and an explosion was due until someone poured water on it....might have been a sign of things to come...hahahahaha
FollowupID: 314239

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:17

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:17 ....what I"m saying is...perhaps....there are some who would not appreciate the message....
FollowupID: 314240

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:18

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:18
Baz....billy is being naughty......hahahhahah....and don't be scared...Willie's really a nice guy...he'd love Honey and Pepper...
FollowupID: 314241

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:29

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:29
Mrs Al...I have heard of Honey in funny places but Honey and Pepper...Yuk!!!

Baz the reply about the smart arse was for Mr Lexik, the downhill racer.
FollowupID: 314242

Follow Up By: Baz (NSW) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:32

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:32
I resemble that remark, although not sure what remark, smart arse or smart fella !!! lol.
FollowupID: 314243

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:33

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:33
Really Willie...hmmmm honey in funny places...perhaps you can email me with the'd love this Honey and Pepper combination....
FollowupID: 314244

Follow Up By: Baz (NSW) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:43

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:43
Hey poke fun at me, but when you poke at our owner's, that's a differant story, hahahahahahahah, Pepper's almost human, sometime's it's scarey.


ps, that mind of your's is not wandering again, is it Lyn,
FollowupID: 314249

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:54

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 18:54
Hi Baz

my's active...let's just say that.....hahaha :))
FollowupID: 314254

Follow Up By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 22:42

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 22:42
Mrs Al, here I was being nice to you and you threaten to reveal all. Just as well you don't have access to my details or I'd really be in it.
I can see i'll have to lock the puter away over Easter.
FollowupID: 314308

Reply By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 22:36

Monday, Mar 29, 2004 at 22:36
A bloke turns his back for a couple of hours and he's having water passed over him. Wasn't holy water either.
Downhill racing Willie, you know we care for the enviroment.
Bazz, a couple of people on this forum should change their handles to Judas 1 and Judus 2. becareful of them
AnswerID: 52511

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 07:44

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 07:44
got any pieces of silver Des?
FollowupID: 314332

Follow Up By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 11:20

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 11:20
Haha good cop, Mrs. Al. Bet he's got forty pieces of silver. Gawd, I wsa busy yesterday and only just managed to have two goes to catch up with this thread.
FollowupID: 314350

Follow Up By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 12:02

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 12:02
Dear Ruthy, I have realised the error of my ways as I have noticed a severe lack of feedback from your goodself from whence I have previously refered to you as Great Aunty. I appologise most sincerely for my erronous ways and I shall refrain from making such comments in the future. I can only say in my defence that I was mislead by another unnamed forum contributor who intends to visit you shortly.
I too, have had difficulty keeping up with a number of threads here over the last couple of days.
In addition, I do not have 40 pieces of silver anymore. I am not sure why I need them in the first place. Is it a female thing? They have now gone in exchange for an old ring ex the Little Desert and the vacuum cleaner salesman. Not sure why we need so many vacuum cleaners. Am I missing something.
If you need to contact me, please call a little louder as the kennel is a long way away from my PC
FollowupID: 314359

Follow Up By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 14:48

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 14:48
You bl...y great twit - I've been busy working! As for pieces of silver - didn't you go to Sunday School. Hey Mrs Al we bettr give him lessons to learn from The Bible - especially with it coming up to Easter. Now Mr Lexik - Judas (as mentioned in posts above) he was something like Brutus. Do you know about him - he was the one who stuck it up Julius Caesar - fair up the toga during the Ides of March -and caused Julius to say - 'Et tu Brute' which stands for 'That you Brutus, you b.....d!' Yep, well, Judas did it to Jesus - hence, Easter. I can't for the life of me remember where the pieces of silver came in - maybe that was the fee for dobbing his mate in. Now, I want you to learn off by heart the entire book of Ruth (it's in the Old Testament) - you may have to get in on cassette tape from the Library seeing as you are Des Lexik.
Just asked on New Posts about this br>br> thing - are you all sending each other Membr Mess and then posting them or something?
FollowupID: 314367

Follow Up By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 17:08

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 17:08
Dear Ruthy, Sorry I didn't realise you were busy, I know you live a hard and challenging life out there in the never never. Does this mean I'm forgiven and I can call you Great Anty Ruth again.
As for Sunday School, yes I did attend but people were not forgiving of like people who suffer one of life's set backs and I was usually sent to play in the sand pit. The one across the road and down by the river.
Sorry I can't assist with the abreviation bit as I am computer illiterate as well.
Do you not recieve many member messages either. I thought that with the anonimity of a key board, people would not get too big an insight to who I really am, however it looks like they can see through me even in this medium. Oh such is life. Perhaps I should become a hermit out in the desert.
Respectfully yours
FollowupID: 314380

Follow Up By: Willem - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 19:10

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 19:10
Desmond???.....hahahahahaha...thats funny

Geez, this thread takes me back a couple fo years to Sunday School. SS didn't do me any good though.

You should know better than to intefere with Aunty Ruth when she is working. Not quite sure how you run a bare earth campground in the middle of a desert and what sort of work is involved. From what I am led to believe all there is is a small tin shack with telephone line hooked up to it and a bl...dy great big TV dish hanging off the side. 'Round the back under a lean to are few plastic chairs and great big kero fridge filled with beer..............

I have heard you can now find 40 pieces of silver inside one of them small plastic cards........:-)
FollowupID: 314400

Follow Up By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 20:11

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 20:11
hi Ruth

I think that Judas was paid the 40 pieces of silver for betraying his mate J.C....and then in a fit of remorse well...he decided he'd swing from a tree..I paraphrase of course....

FollowupID: 314409

Follow Up By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 21:44

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 21:44
Here endeth the Leson. Amen.
FollowupID: 314420

Follow Up By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 23:02

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 23:02
And I always thought that Brutas was the arch rival of Popeye. Maybe its Popeye Doyle from the French Connection. Ah it's all falling into place now:- The French Connection= The French Line, Popeye Doyle=Olive Oyl, Olive Oyl= Drilling Rigs in the Simpson. Ruthy, are you really Marge Simpson.
FollowupID: 314444

Follow Up By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 23:18

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 23:18
Willem, you should realise as well as I do now that running a Caravan Park is a very taxing way of life, after all she has to mow all the lawns, sweep down the concrete slabs that the caravans use, dust the shop, clean the toilet blocks, pick up the garbage and then she has to fake being nice to everyone who walks in the door asking about where do we catch all the yabbies.
You would not wish that existance on anyone let alone someone who could strut their stuff on the catwalks of Paris.
FollowupID: 314447

Follow Up By: Willem - Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 23:30

Tuesday, Mar 30, 2004 at 23:30
Uncle Des...You are very funny hahahaha Popeye Doyle....must be where the name Poepples Corner comes from....that is probably the corner where Popeye Doyle gets sent to when he is in trouble !!!!

Ahhh yess....the catwalks of Paris in a pair of black rubber thongs ......ooohggaaawwdd and with a hairstyle like Marge Simpson...I can just picture it....maybe we can use it in Wombats advertising campaign....................... :-) I can't laugh any more..going to bed..goodnight
FollowupID: 314451

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