Hello again Stephen
I reckon most of your IDs are spot on. Some are plants I haven't seen. A couple of comments on those I have:
Some, perhaps most, Eremophilas are very difficult to distinguish as they can vary greatly from specimen to specimen. This is especially true of Eremophila glabra, so I'm not sure if that ID is correct.
Orthonna gregorii may now have reverted back to being Senecio gregorii - depends who you talk to.
Cephalipterum should be drummondii, not drummindii.
Eucalyptus vokesensis - one of Dean Nicolle's specials and we've had difficulty distinguishing it from E. socialis ssp victoriensis. I don't know that I've ever seen it, but your picture matches the one in Dean's new book pretty closely.
Brunonia australia should be australis.
Some of your "Daisy sp" will be Brachycombe, probably B. ciliaris, or Minuria. You need to see the seeds to distinguish them.
The purple "Pea sp" might be a Swainsona.
It's great that you got to see the GVD in full bloom after recent rain. We've only seen this once and it was spectacular.
Best wishes