Comment: Copyright – I can use this photograph (Can’t I?)
Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 11, 2015 at 12:55
This Thread has been Archived
ExplorOz Team - Michelle
I should like to point out also that it IS NOT OK to simply credit the source - you must seek permission FIRST. In many instances the copyright owner may grant you permission on the proviso that you credit the source in lieu of payment but if they refuse to give you permission to use, you must not.
Also note that on ExplorOz when you post a photo/image/content to the
Wildflowers etc that you take responsibility for ensuring you are the copyright owner. Our
Terms of Use cover this quite clearly.
In addition, please note that in posting content to ExplorOz you provide us with joint ownership. This means your image is protected under our
Terms of Use and also gives us some flexibility in how the image might appear/be used on the site.
In today's age of DSLR and image editing tools, photos are no longer unique. And especially now that many people STRIVE for their photos to be shared (eg. Instagram, Facebook). Even professional photographers publisher their pics on their Facebook profiles and ask you to share them to your friends etc. This is to help them build a following, to build their 'brand" so any restriction of sharing the image is counterproductive. It is very rare for anyone to receive payment for the use of photographs so, don't expect too much if you're looking for recognition or payment for your outback masterpieces. Even the mainstream news media reports use the public's shared photos rather than those purchased from a "professional'. At best you might be credited the source - if possible within that publisher's system.
We are often approached for the use of photographs without offer of payment. If the use is limited and does not offer much "exposure" to build brand recognition amongst the proposed audience or is out of context to our industry, it is unlikely that the offer to credit the source is worth the cost of administrating the process to supply the
pic so often such opportunities are passed over and permission to use is refused. We are Members of the Copyright Agency however so we do occasionally pick up opportunities under the educational copyright use program but these are small and limited but something nonetheless. Anyone who is interested in protecting their copyright as an author can join the Copyright Agency to see how this work to seek income from your works via the available schemes for which they can administer payments on behalf of their members.
Reply By: The Landy - Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:27
Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:27
Thanks Michelle, I was hoping you would add some commentary as to how it relates to EO...Baz!