Comment: Copyright – I can use this photograph (Can’t I?)

Hi Baz

I have seen many of my images poached and used on the Internet, both outback and flora images. And there in only one place that my images have been taken from, right here from both EO Blogs and from the a Wildflower section.

I very good example is type in Heather Highway into Goole, and 2 of my images are there, with the compliments of ExplorOz. It seems that every image posted on the Internet is up for grabs.


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Reply By: The Landy - Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:27

Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:27
And certainly anything posted does end up in the roader WWW. What you can do is drop one of your images into the Google browser, click photos and it will show you who is using the images.

You can then decide whether to proceed further. The web crawlers will extract information from EO, so photos posted here will most likely appear on the web. But you authorise that use through terms of conditions use with EO, it is the use beyond EO that is perhaps at issue here... Cheers, Baz
AnswerID: 549392

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