Monday, Mar 23, 2015 at 08:57
Was told the following couple of pertinent facts by a "small engine repair" specialist with 25 years experience.
1. Modern fuels have a "shelf life" of around 30 days. Storage beyond that will result in the petrol part evaporating off and the remaining additives, which do not evaporate as quickly, turning your fuel into gunk. That will a) not burn
well, and b) clog jets etc in the carby.
2. 2-stroke oils come in two types, depending on which engine you are using. Engines that rely on mixed fuel/oil need to have a "mixer" oil added to the fuel - and no need to shake the container as the modern 2-stroke oils are formulated top stay in solution. Engines that inject the oil direct need an "injector" oil, and injector oil will not mix into fuel.
3. Never run a 2-stroke engine till it runs out of fuel, as that wiill mean the last few revolutions will be "metal-to-metal" without lubrication. And, the first few revs after refilling will also be "metal-to-metal". Increased wear.
If storing for a while without use (although best to run a couple minutes every couple weeks) stop engine and drain fuel tank (or turn off tap). That way the moving parts have an oil film.