Review: Emu Bush

Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 07, 2015 at 15:08
ThreadID: 117377 Views:816 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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My Wildflower Rating: My Rating 4/5

Dear Val,
I have done some more sleuthing and suspect that this Erimophela is 'E. demissa' a straggly, (scientific term), low growing shrub closely related to E.pilosa - (hairier leaves) and E. jucunda. Grows on open terrain and with sparse mulga trees.
The first place I look for these plants is; 'Erimophela and allied genera' by R.J. Chinnock. Most of the data bases on line refer to Mr Chinnock's references as well.
Have a great day regards, Stanley.
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