Pingin station
Submitted: Friday, May 15, 2015 at 08:40
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Member - Mark H34
Has anyone being east of pingin station past mulga
rock out to officer basin. Nippon hwy
Reply By: Member - sparra - Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:05
Friday, May 15, 2015 at 10:05
G'day Mark, i am pretty sure a member on here,equinox has been through that way,
check out his
blogs. i have been out to pinjin but veered left up past mt celia,
lake carey to
cheers, sparra
Reply By: Member - Mark H34 - Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:27
Friday, May 15, 2015 at 11:27
Thanks sparra will
check it out
Reply By: equinox - Friday, May 15, 2015 at 19:32
Friday, May 15, 2015 at 19:32
Hi Mark,
Been out way a few times, only once though past Mulga
Rock. That was in 2006 and the track followed pretty much what it is on the maps. It was an easy track then and I made it in the original cruiser ute tyres with no punctures.
2010, I went the way Sparra mentioned, north of Pinjin.
2012, east just after Pinjin a new wide mining road came before me, so I followed this to the PNC Baseline Road. I didn't really even bother to
check for the old track when I would have past it. Then on to Officer Basin, the spring and the Connie Sue.
Here's the plotfile to the spring and Streich Mound from Officer Basin
Nice country out that way, out to Plumridge Lakes and the Connie Sue.
Reply By: Idler Chris - Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 21:16
Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 21:16
I led a group from the Connie Sue through that area to
Leonora last year. It was so interesting on my way
home to
Melbourne I went from Kalgoolie through Pinjin, Mulga
Rockhole, Lake Minigwal, Officer Basin, Argus corner,
Queen Victoria Spring, Cundeelee to Zanthus and along the railway line to
Deakin. I know a bloke who built mining roads and other things in that area some 30 odd years ago and he has given we some old photo's which I was trying to find where they were taken. Unfortunately when I was last there, there were bush fires everywhere and I was told to get out. I expect to get back there, hopefully next year. THe PNC
Camp Site is currently occupied by Vimy Resources who are looking into uranium mining. Vimy Resources is their name from 16 Dec 2014 it was previously Energy and Minerals Australia Ltd when your there you may see EAMA signs. A big change to the area is a major road put in which start just south of Pinjin and goes to the Tropicana Gold
Mine. Its on very few maps as it is a private road but huge road trains are constantly travelling up and down it. If you want to know more just give me a ring, 03 9584 6292. Chris Smith.