Ok second try at this, this time thru Chrome, IE obviously failed. Hope I dont double up. But I haven't been successful to date commenting on any blog. So here goes
Landy, its good to see some good advice out there from an experienced operator
Newbies, read a lot, and read the experienced, not the trolls, GVM, gcm, atm, can kill you or your passengers. No, its not about the power, I know it can pull it, its based on good engineering. I speak to the towing mob, YOU NEED TO BECOME MORE INFORMED ON THIS SUBJUCT read up. I speak to the caravanners who read this site. I know your your nevara, hilux. dmax is awesome. But be very careful when you load up the big tow. The last load, is the people, and people you love. Follow people like this. Awesome work Landy, lead them the right way