Tuesday, Apr 06, 2004 at 12:35
Dave, There was a group of 5 vechicles, 1 hilux, 2 GQ patrols, 2 landcrusiers, (all starndard) which followed the same tracks as I did. I had to be snatched through one spot (the only person to be snatched all day, and following the same line as the other vechiles ) and was the only driver to suffer any damage to thier vechile.
I wouldn't say I was a "rough or hard" driver, after all it is a $30K vechile I'm driving and it would be a litlle hard to explain to the misses that I had to leave it in the bush because I'd thrashed and broken it.
As far as the local diff repairs go, this is 2 in our area, they say it is the most common 4x4 diff to require repairing. Parts are not a problem, it's keeping hold of them because they go through them so often.
You also mentioned the CV's,
well funny that so did the repairers.
This is the first breakage I've had with the vechile, but have been speaking to others and it's rumoured people are trying to Toyota to court for false advertising. One bloke has gone through 2 diff's with 40K kms on the clock, and still under warranty?