Magellan Software

Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 06, 2004 at 18:53
ThreadID: 11878 Views:1769 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
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I have got a magellan meridian GPS and am now trying to decide what software to get between the discover Aus and the hemma great desert tracks. Was after any info on what is better ie how much 4wd stuff has the discover aus got. To try to help me decide which to get.
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Reply By: Goran - Tuesday, Apr 06, 2004 at 18:56

Tuesday, Apr 06, 2004 at 18:56
Find Mapsend Australia......older version of DiscoverAus. Do a search here on the subject.......couple of pages back.
AnswerID: 53446

Follow Up By: colcam - Thursday, Apr 08, 2004 at 22:01

Thursday, Apr 08, 2004 at 22:01
Hi all, I have a Megellan Meridian GPS and had some software installed. (SA Aand Australia). However, I think that they could best be described as "stick-maps". Line drawings that you can zoom into to see where you are, street names are OK but the locality is mostly out of wack. It tells me that my street is at Scott Creek, (10 Kms away), obviously a listed geographic locality that is the nearest to me. My suburb is not listed. Niether is my daughters city- Port Pirie. Her street is where it is supposed to be when we are there but not the city name. We then decided to buy the Magellan "Discover Aus, streets and tracks". This isn't any better. Sure we can watch our progress on the GPS screen but I was very disappointed not to see "real maps". Then we decided to do a short course on GPS at our local Map Shop. The instructor recommended Ozi-explorer for the GPS interface. Geodata 250 (Natmap Mosaic) for the maps and the Great Desert Tracks for the outback. He also had topographic maps for SA that enabled him to zoom in at street level, plot his course around the city and see it on the laptop as a real time moving map. We didn't know what we were letting ourselves in for when we bought the GPS, now we have spent as much on the software as the unit itself. The Discover Aus from Magellan was a waste of money for what I wanted. The same info was already on the unit but you can't tell this from the adverts. We will now be buying Ozi-Explorer and the NatMap series. What a fun toy, tells us where we are but unless we have a good map reference, no point in knowing! Cheers,
FollowupID: 315413

Reply By: Discovery - Wednesday, Apr 07, 2004 at 08:55

Wednesday, Apr 07, 2004 at 08:55

I have a Meridian Platinum with both DiscoverAus and the Hema Great Desert Tracks (GDT) software. The whole lot fits easily onto a Lexar 256mb SD card. I also have upgraded to version 5.12 firmware for the Platinum. There is no issue re 'lag' or re-drawing of maps with the new firmware from what I have found. I reckon DiscoverAus an excellent product and have used it pretty extesively, including having my daughter 'night navigate' me to locations in Brisbane from the back seat of the car (she's 13). I have used DiscoverAus in various states and have been amazed at its micro detail in some areas, even down to what could only be described as obscure walking tracks in national parks. All this information is of course dependent on the source data which comes from the respective State authorities. Irealise that not everyone has found this to be the case, and acknowledge that not every location is exactly where is should b on the moving map. However I would suspect that this would be a similar case for all vector type maps. The Hema GDT software is very much a repeat of the DiscoverAus information for the aea it covers, but with the significant added advantage that it has been actually been proven throuh actual travel, hence some variations between the two sets of data when compared. GDT also has significantly more Points of Interest in the area it covers (landmarks, fuels, etc). Re costing, DiscoverAus is a fair price especially for what you get (although if you lived in the USA you probably wouldn't think so). GDT is not cheap and it is around 6mb in total size compared to 234mb of DiscoverAus. I went for the double software option because it is just that little extra peace of mind when travelling the remoter parts of the land, and the proven location of the Points of Interest was handy. I also believe that the compactness of the Meridian (along with a hard copy local mp of useful scale) far outweighs the disadvantage of luging a laptop around the country with the associated wires/cables etc, and the limitations of generally only having 1:250,000 maping. Personal choice only of courrse. No doubt others will have varying opinions, but it certanly works for me!


AnswerID: 53501

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