Friday, Jun 19, 2015 at 19:22
You're right Tom.
We bred them and tried to teach them respect and all the other stuff while they were younger, but going to school and Uni soon destroyed all our good work.
That's where they were taught that they are so perfect that the world owes them everything, that the most important person in the world is me and that they can do as they like with impunity.
It comes as a very big surprise when they go out into the world that they do not come first, that they have to start at the lower rungs in business and no-one covers their back when they stuff up because they know everything, don't they.
Eventually most learn from the experiences and become decent people but there is always a few who. despite everyone trying to guide them along the way, just simply remain bogans, or even worse, bloody ferals, who will never learn common sense or decency. More's the pity.
That's my Friday rant done and dusted.