easter roundup.....

Submitted: Thursday, Apr 15, 2004 at 11:48
ThreadID: 12071 Views:1731 Replies:1 FollowUps:2
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Hi all, just thought i would let you all know some stuff good and bad from our easter expedition.

good - the jack loaded with gear and a roof rack with pipe tubes, averaged 12l/100 between home and healsville. 4 days of fun later , 50% low range work with lots of long hill climbs, 25% high range dirt and 25% blacktop home again, fuel average 16.7l/100. And i wasn't shy on the pedal as the jack still goes like the clappers even when loaded. No tyre punctures :-) even with lots of sharp rocks. Ran like a charm.
bush was healthy even with the drought, lots of native animals around.
Had the 4wd australia crew pass through our camp one arvo, about 8 very nice rigs with courteous and friendly drivers, including the antman.

Bad - flipped a large rock on its end under the jack and bent the bash plate onto the r/h exhaust collector, easy fix but it sounds terrible as the chassis amplifies all the noise !!
quite a few morons with more money than sense going flat out on the tracks churning them up , especially on the climbs, have pro-comps or simex will fly attitude. Some of them even going flat out at night near campsites.
One group even had a guy in a hilux determined to try his hardest to churn up the creek bed and banks trying to go up a stupid section near our camp. absolutely flogged this thing , did about 4 grand damage or more to ute, bad damage to creek
as well, surprising for a group displaying the name of a s/e melb church group.. Anyway there are photos of this clown in action and i have the 'bush telegraph' number..
also heaps of euro wasps around , we found and destroyed one nest but there must be thousands of em up there.
also the usual filthy pigs leaving rubbish along tracks everywhere.

Overall we all had a great time (short as it was) left the place better than we found it, and look forward to the next time out. Didn't see any exploreoz stickers though....

Hope everyone else had a safe and enjoyable time..
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Reply By: Baz (NSW) - Thursday, Apr 15, 2004 at 12:39

Thursday, Apr 15, 2004 at 12:39
I don't about anyone else but that sounds normal to me, must be a sign of the times. enough of the bad, Big Yango was quiet and peaseful, apart from some of the above. 95% good 2.5 ok 2.5 bad. all up great easter.

AnswerID: 54359

Follow Up By: Member - Bradley- Thursday, Apr 15, 2004 at 13:45

Thursday, Apr 15, 2004 at 13:45
Thems good odds, i would say we had 50% good , 20% ok, 30% bad.
Sadly i think it is a sign of the times in too many places, thats only going to get us all locked out of the best parts of aus. Might have to go out further or give the Yango a try :-). Cheers, Brad
FollowupID: 316011

Follow Up By: Member -Bob & Lex (Sydney) - Thursday, Apr 15, 2004 at 17:55

Thursday, Apr 15, 2004 at 17:55
Long way from Vic Bradley. They should have to pass an IQ test before they can buy a 4by so we can still have somewhere to go & enjoy ourselfs. As you & most others on here we always take out more rubbish than we take in.
FollowupID: 316039

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