Monday, Apr 19, 2004 at 19:19
Hi Jeff,
You've misquoted what I said about insurance. "Many" and "most" mean different things.
The 1KZ-TE is a great motor - thats why I own one. I wouldn't buy a 2.4.
I have followed the surf lists for a long time - the following is a quote from a thread on the Yahoo list from June 2003 - thread called "insurance sagas":
Hello all, just a brief on my insurance sagas, I've owned my 3ltr
ssrxltd for four years and been ins by nrma that was until I
received my new premium...Sum ins $22000..premium $1600 and thats
for a cat 1 , 47 year old driver. Did the call around to nearly
every ins co I could find and the answer was always no we dont ins
imports but thanks to this group and all the valuable posts I email
Aust 4wd ins and with no problems at all ins went down to
$720...still dear but at least the surf is covered..