Sunday, May 02, 2004 at 11:28
John cs,
Pinched this off the >a_ href="">Prado GroupI have had a strange incident happened to me twice now when I go to
> put the TD Auto into "Drive".
> Simalar experience here about 3 times (40000K),
> reverse out to middle of road Ok,
> put in drive & no go,
> reverse again about a metre Ok,
> put in drive & off we go, all seems alright has not done it for
> months now.
It sounds like low gear isn't being selected.
When drive is requested, the transmission initially selects third
gear and about half a second later, first is selected. This is done
to provide a smoother engagement when drive is selected.
If you've ever been in neutral, quickly selected drive, and tickled
the go pedal a bit too soon, the initial engagement of third can be
felt with very weak acceleration, then it takes off when first is hit.
Maybe someone else can confirm, but usually 1st 2nd & OD are selected
with solenoid valves in the transmission, the default in drive being
third gear, torque converter unlocked. Therefore if selector
galleries in the tranny are clogged (or under pressurised) or
transmission computer is not sending any control signals to the
transmission, third gear is selected regardless of vehicle speed,
engine load or any other factors.
Does it feel as if it is in third gear? Try a standing start on a
very steep
hill in high range and it may produce a similar effect.
If power is quite normal in reverse, I would suggest the problem is
not with clogged injectors or low fuel pressure.
Glenn B.
Follow Up By: Member - Bernie. (Vic) - Sunday, May 02, 2004 at 22:28
Sunday, May 02, 2004 at 22:28
Hi Glenn
Interesting post of yours from the 90s list as I think the last part was
mine, only just happened to me again yesterday( 72000 now )reversed OK go to drive & nothing, you could be right about 3rd gear,
it's not related to how cold it is.