Monday, May 03, 2004 at 12:38
One drawback with a ute though, is you cant wind back the passenger
seat for a snooze while on the road.
And another is keeping everything on the back water and dust proof, compared to a wagon, which comes that way.
I had a troopy, and the only drawback was the 2 doors, Polans 3rd door is a great idea, and if I got another troopy would do that before I picked the car up.
I made afew small
suspension changes to my troopy, which made it much nicer to drive on road, and off road, and with a 10mm bodylift, fitted 36" swampers on 16x10" rims.
They also come with 180lt of fuel standard, seperate systems on the diesel, a lower low range for when bush, and the good lower 1st gear gearbox.
A troopy sure makes for being able to travel in comfort, by being able to fit everything you want to take though, and once you have had one, and go back to a wagon like we have, you wonder where you fitted everything ;-)