Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 21:32
Hi Colin
I have been with AAMI for several years and have been told the same.
Although I am still harrassing them to give me something in writing ??
I have spoken with there internal disputes officer regarding exactly what
4x4 can and can't do. His reply was, as you have stated, but interestingly
he also added that if you make a claim and it isn't covered in their Policy
Disclosure Statement that they "DON'T" payout on that type of claim you
will be covered ??? But I'm still trying to get that one in writing.
As we are all aware their Policy Statement doesn't say anything about 4x4.
I'm curious about your premium.I have a '92 stnd deisel cruiser my
premium is $598 with excess $450. The only differeance could be accessories. Do you have any listed ???
I have HF,UHF,Bullbar,Towbar,roofrack,difflock,stero,3'' lift, with a market value $16,000