Does anyone know if Jackeroo World is still going

Submitted: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 17:46
ThreadID: 12819 Views:3716 Replies:6 FollowUps:5
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have tried email & fax with no reply.. or is there somewhere else that sells Jackeroo parts?
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Reply By: Member - Bradley- Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 18:42

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 18:42
Hmm damn it i went past there today and didn't take too much notice, There were a lot of atco huts in the yard around it, so it might have gone fubar..

Kumbak Auto Wreckers Pty Ltd
245 Governor Rd Braeside 3195 (03) 9580 3322

They have heaps of jack parts and do ads with the jackaroo club newsletter.

It is hard to find a good wrecker with jack bits. And jackaroo world had new stuff as well.....
AnswerID: 58355

Reply By: TonyT - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 19:49

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 19:49
I'll go in tomorrow thursday and see if he's still there and post the answer.
AnswerID: 58367

Reply By: Terryfied - Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 21:23

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 at 21:23
Rick, I phoned them last week and apparently they are 4wdriving in my home state of W.A until the 1st of June.Seems a funny way to run a business.

AnswerID: 58396

Follow Up By: Rick Blaine - Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 07:16

Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 07:16
thanks for that... i will hunt elsewhere for the bits I need..sure is a weird way to run a busness
FollowupID: 320125

Reply By: Craigjackaroo - Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 03:05

Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 03:05
Rick. is your overheating problem sorted on your jack yet.
Holden have just scraped the radiator on mine. i hope it fixes it.
AnswerID: 58414

Follow Up By: Rick Blaine - Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 07:24

Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 07:24
Yep all sorted... but not by Holden... took it to another mechanic and turned out to be some lables had been left in the water galeries during assembly & had of course come loose & had got stuck around the thermostat causing a restriction. I cant believe that Holden didnt even check the thermostat cause thats all this guy did... & presto a papier mache wad under it... has run fine ever since. Holden of course deny all knowledge....and pass it off to Isuzu.... but even I as an amateur suggested the thermosat or pump may have been faulty & was told that it was" not possible"..made me wonder about their servicing.. this dealer must have at least 500 mechanics working for him.. he services about 150 cars a day at an average of 2 hours each....
FollowupID: 320126

Follow Up By: Savvas - Friday, May 14, 2004 at 11:32

Friday, May 14, 2004 at 11:32
Hi Rick ... Just curious, what year is your Jack? That's one helluva unusual mistake for a japanese factory to make, so I'm wondering if your Jack is from Japan or one of the last ones from the Philippines.

FollowupID: 320288

Follow Up By: Rick Blaine - Friday, May 14, 2004 at 16:12

Friday, May 14, 2004 at 16:12
2002.. and definatley made in japan....
FollowupID: 320322

Reply By: Patroleum - Friday, May 14, 2004 at 19:40

Friday, May 14, 2004 at 19:40

Which jacks &What years were ex phillipines?

Regards Greg
AnswerID: 58639

Reply By: Member - Bradley- Monday, May 17, 2004 at 12:38

Monday, May 17, 2004 at 12:38
Just had a thought Rick, last year isuzu severed ties with gmh and all isuzu parts got lumped with an extra 15% on top of holdens usual markup. SO what if we just go to an isuzu light truck dealer and order the parts through them ??? If you have the full manuals with the IPC them you can just quote them the isuzu part number. They may even order parts in from japan.

BTW try to stick with the isuzu brake pads, they are fantastic and have a really progressive response, and last for ages. How many k's have you got from yours so far ??

AnswerID: 58899

Follow Up By: Rick Blaine - Monday, May 17, 2004 at 13:04

Monday, May 17, 2004 at 13:04
I have got just under 60,000 km on mine at the moment. you have an interesting thought of going to an Isuzu dealer... but this morning I got an oil filter from a Holden dealer for $39!!!!! I normally quallify as a TPI veteran for gst exemption and the sales guy said he could not work out the gst and would I accept trade price... naturally I did. A big discount from the normal retail price around $70.... I'm wondering what it takes to get trade price on a regular basis... Maybe it's as simple as producing an order on a letterhead or asking for trade price... but now I know how come Jackeroo world could keep their prices down because even at trade price there would still be a margin in it for them.
FollowupID: 320561

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