Check this out.......

Submitted: Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 08:05
ThreadID: 12888 Views:1942 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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Not my cuppa, I suppose it may amuse some of you.


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Reply By: Member - Pesty (SA) - Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 09:20

Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 09:20
Will you be making a "BEE" line for planet earth today?
AnswerID: 58699

Follow Up By: Ian Bee - Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 14:09

Saturday, May 15, 2004 at 14:09
Maybe to my bed. Went to work, but my heart ( and brain ) wasn't in it, so I come home.

Both my kids are at work and Tracy is staying with her mum for two days, so I can have ALL the covers on the bed AND have the window wide open AND leave the TV on.'s almost sorta like camping, except i have electricity and my dog!!

I am going to behave today!


ian BEE
FollowupID: 320424

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