tanami track report Aug '15

Submitted: Thursday, Aug 13, 2015 at 10:59
ThreadID: 129973 Views:2748 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
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track is in good to reasonable condition, we travelled Halls Ck to Alice Springs Monday-Tuesday, 10-11 Aug.
WA side is rougher than NT, sandy sections minimal, 60-80kph most of the way.
NT section, great smooth running down to some small sections of heavier corrugations, again 70-80kph.
Many dead tyres along the way.
Our vehicle 80 series cruiser, nominally 1.30tonne across front axle, 1.45tonne rear, tyres front 37psi cold rising to 42 hot [max], rears 44 cold, rising to 49-50psi hot {max} travelling 80kph. BFG A/T's seem to rule in Kimberley.
Tilmouth Well diesel, fuel $2.00; Halls Ck Shell takes Coles dockets, $1.55 .
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Reply By: Member - Robert1660 - Thursday, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:52

Thursday, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:52
Although I am not travelling that way in the near future, I last travelled that way in 2013, what is the situation regarding Rabbit Flat? I hear that it was operating again, however I have not read anything definite. Do you have any updates?
Landcruiser 200 VX Diesel + 19ft Bushtracker

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AnswerID: 589183

Follow Up By: Robyn R4 - Thursday, Aug 13, 2015 at 21:01

Thursday, Aug 13, 2015 at 21:01
I found info on Rabbit Flat by googling. Found an interesting story about her having (unexpected) twins and the population of Rabbit Flat doubling overnight. It was an interesting read!
Can't remember if it was this story or my friends who travelled through before they shut up shop, that told me they still lived there but weren't in a hurry to reopen. Problems with the locals if I recall.
FollowupID: 857041

Reply By: Member - pete g1 - Tuesday, Aug 25, 2015 at 09:10

Tuesday, Aug 25, 2015 at 09:10
Hi all.
has been for quite some time apparently
AnswerID: 589625

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