Thursday, Sep 03, 2015 at 08:49
Hi Terry
The Wanderer is a CMCA member newsletter which is not sent to the general public.
The question in discussion was about if it was compulsory to fit tanks to caravans, not about what was required to join the CMCA LNT scheme. In by blog I do mention the scheme.
You correctly say "You may not want to qualify for LNT you of course don't have to". I say "You do not need to join CMCA LNT unless as a member you want to
camp at a member
campground with this requirement." There are many many clean camping people out there who have no interest in joining CMCA LNT.
Apart from any of the developing CMCA owned member only self contained campgrounds where they can specify their own scheme is a requirement if they like, there are NO other campgrounds in Australia that require you to have the LNT certificate. It may be mentioned as desirable but it is really about the behaviour not the sticker.
Another factual observation you make
"most councils have posted signs where you
free camp and specify self contained only I have seen the signs and these have been in the main street where it is tarred and the caravan drops
grey water it is not a nice look - - - ". Yes, it is not suitable to dispose of
grey water in a town
parking lot where they set aside a few
places for overnight stays - mainly to gain CMCA RV Friendly Town status. There are other sensitive environments where it is also specified.
Just meet the rules of where you stop, and don't stop where you don't meet the rules. Through in a bit of common sense and consideration for others in all you do.