Tenting on the way to the Cape

Submitted: Sunday, Sep 06, 2015 at 18:57
ThreadID: 130203 Views:1991 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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We are heading to the Cape next May and we will leave our van at Mareeba.
Is it safe to camp in tents or will the crocs eat us?
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Reply By: bigden - Sunday, Sep 06, 2015 at 19:54

Sunday, Sep 06, 2015 at 19:54
We went to the tip from Melbourne for 7weeks in 2013. We took our tent and camped where we couldn't get a cabin
Never saw a croc, in fact in the end we were searching for them. Everyone saw them but the wife and I
We only used our tent 7 nights in 7weeks, lake field , chilli beach , and along the Tele track
You won't have any problems unless you camp right on the waters edge
AnswerID: 590056

Reply By: Member - Baz110 - Sunday, Sep 06, 2015 at 22:32

Sunday, Sep 06, 2015 at 22:32
Hi there,
Totally safe unless you camp within about 20 feet of a flat river bank. Not really a problem if there is a decent drop to the river.

On the subject of van storage, you also have the option of free storage at MT Carbine Caravan Park.
All they expect of you is to stay a night on the way up and back. Very clean amenities and friendly couple.
Pricing is also very cheap and if you are a returned service person you also get a 5 or 10% discount.
They will provide space for your fridge and freezer food that you do not want to take with you.

Hope you have a good trip and enjoy.
May is a good time to go that way as the main tracks will not be completely chopped up. I came back from Kalpower Station (Pandanas Park for vets) about 3 weeks ago and a lot of the corners were chopping up and there were a few nasty bulldust patches.

Bazza B
AnswerID: 590064

Reply By: Kenell - Monday, Sep 07, 2015 at 08:17

Monday, Sep 07, 2015 at 08:17
We met a couple on our trip to the Cape in June who did what you are contemplating. They left their van at Mt Carbine and tented the rest of the journey to the top. They raved about the service at Mt Carbine as others have said in this trail. We shared our facilities as we had a camper trailer but they were doing it pretty well. Don't worry about crocs unless you are really going bush. Common sense is the key. If there are others camping nearby the odds are already improving in your favour !! From my observations you do need to be organised though. Our (new) friends were forever hunting for bits n pieces in the back of the truck. They knew where things were in the van but struggled when they were away from it.
The whole croc thing in FNQ adds excitement for the uninitiated but really the likelihood of even seeing one is remote. I realise it isn't the ones that you see that are the problem but follow the signs and if you aren't sure don't go too close to the water.
AnswerID: 590071

Reply By: Capt. Wrongway - Monday, Sep 07, 2015 at 16:26

Monday, Sep 07, 2015 at 16:26
My son just came back from the Cape. They were sitting around a camp-fire one night when a 14 foot croc walked through the camp site and snatched their small white terrier.

Nah .... only kidding. You'll be OK in a tent. ( maybe )

AnswerID: 590088

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