Tuesday, Nov 03, 2015 at 13:10
This is an all too common story with slide on campers ...... I personally know a few people who have been stung .
To start with there is simply no way, you will legally put a 1tonne slide on camper on any dual cab utility that is not at truck, legally ...... anybody selling or building them should know that.
Anybody building such a product should know exactly what the finished product should weigh ...... they should be able to calculate that from the drawings ....... if there are proper engineering drawings.
New buyers
If they can not tell you and give it in writing within 50KG, and guarantee the unladen mass ..... stop listening, start walking, don't look back ( walk far, walk fast) and certainly do not
sign on the dotted line.
Like caravans and a few other issues, people look at their loading masses way too simplistlcy ......... you need to look further that GVM and payload.
ALL vehicles have front and rear axle limits, if they are not in the manual, get them in writing from the dealer.
Not only should the slide on manufacturer be able to quote and guarantee unladen mass of the slide on they should be able to specify weight distribution or at least centre of mass.
A given slide on may seem to be within the GVM requirements ...... But betya a hell of a lot of them overload the rear axle, because of a failure to consider weight distribution.
Personally I can not see how, without some very clever maths & engineering ( that most of the builders lack) and a considerable cab overhang, a slide on camper can be made to correctly distribute weight so as to not overload the rear axle or the rear chassis.
On to the matter of tie down ...... considering the weight involved and having a pretty fair knoweledge of legal requirements of load restraint ( I have a certificate that says so) .......I remain absolutely gobsmacked at how some of these things are tied down .......... If the actual tiedowns are adequaite rated, correctly applied and not non rated rubbish baught from the hardware
shop, I can't see how the attachement points comply ..... I won't go into detail but I do not believe it is possible to tie one of these things down to an aluminium or styleside tray using 4 attachment points and have it comply.
In short it is my firm belief that fitting a slide on camper to a dual cab ute, as the product is currently offered simply can not be done safely and is nearly impossible to do legally.
Yet people persist.
On the matter of what the OP is to do ........ you have a procuct that yu simply can not use, it can not be fixed and it can not be rectified except by a full refund.
I would not be bleep arround ........ my first port of call would be a weigh
bridge and obtain an axle split ...... if you are able to remove the camper safely ..... get an axle split with and without the slide on.
I would then be retaining a sloicitor ......perhaps get some qualified engineering advice...... you need to go in hard and heavy first time ....... I would be inclined to return to the dealer, armed with all the necessary information, a letter of demand and with the solicitor in tow. ..... and don't leave without a full refund or a written agreement to provide one.
As for gag orders ........ tell hin to drop on his head.
Be prepared to see him in court, because if you drive this rubbish on the road you are pretty much uninsured and have no vehicle warranty. ...... and fate is stalking close behind.
sorry but that is how I see it.
Follow Up By: The Bantam - Tuesday, Nov 03, 2015 at 13:18
Tuesday, Nov 03, 2015 at 13:18
OH and don't forget to build in a claim for costs, and make sure the dealer understands if you have to persue him thru the courts, youn will be claiming all costs and extending you actions to all the regulatory boddies and seeking regulatory penalties on top of civil remidies.
Don't muck about, do it as soon as you can, go in hard and heavy.