GU Problems

Submitted: Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 20:40
ThreadID: 13223 Views:1930 Replies:9 FollowUps:14
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Seems to be seeing a lot of GU problems appearing in the posts lately....and very few 100 Series which is the better vehicle?

I am glad I own an 80 series, the best 4wd ever made.

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Reply By: Baz (NSW) - Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 20:50

Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 20:50
A very bold statement, and one that will never be solved, the old aussie bushie that sterted it all will be turning in his grave.

AnswerID: 60501

Reply By: Member - Captain (WA) - Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 20:56

Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 20:56
Typical uninformed comment by one so short on facts.

AnswerID: 60503

Reply By: Wil - Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 21:34

Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 21:34
Hi Glenn

They will never build things like that anymore. Nissan, Cruisers, Chevy, Ford & Jeeps were built tough back then. With the gradual lost of 4WD access or playground worldwide (plus cost cutting on manufacturing hence more plastics), auto makers are now making city friendly & look good only 4WDs.

Pure 4WDers are a bit like the Linux community in the computer world. Always after reliability and not just bells & whistles. :)

AnswerID: 60511

Follow Up By: tdcockers - Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 21:41

Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 21:41
i like that analogy, its so very true. hopefully 4wd can come back and become mainstream like linux is starting to
FollowupID: 322095

Follow Up By: GaryW - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 13:07

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 13:07
I wonder if Microsoft make 4b's? *musing*

FollowupID: 322186

Follow Up By: Leroy - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 14:45

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 14:45
Microsoft? There would go broke due to too many recalls for updates!!

FollowupID: 322198

Reply By: Member - Ken - Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 22:16

Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 22:16

I posted a very similar query about 600,000 posts ago and did that bring the 'ferals' out of the wood work. It has the effect as the Rugby V Aussie Rules, Labour V Liberals etc etc

I can tell you here and now that you will not get a sane answer from either side of the fence.


Ken Robinson
AnswerID: 60524

Follow Up By: Member - Captain (WA) - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 00:42

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 00:42
Hi Ken,

Gotta agree with you here. I have seen the Nissan vs Toyota debate many times and it doesn't take long before the 'ferals' arrive.

For what its worth, I did a LOT of research before replacing my standard 80 series with the GU (the 80 series is one of the best 4WD's produced IMHO). I was also lucky enough to be in a position where I could afford the vehicle I wanted. Now the reasons for my choice will not be the same for everyone, but I wanted a vehicle that suited MY needs. Others obviously have different needs.

I actually tried to order a standard 100 series with turbo diesel and ABS. But Toyota didn't want a bar of it, even though I was prepared to wait for 6 months if thats what it took. All they could offer me was an RV troopy, no intercooler, no ABS and leaf rear springs. Definetly a great 4WD but not what I wanted.

The GXL 100 series turbo diesel was a serious contender, except for that bloody IFS front end. Many will say its "nearly" as good as a live axle or "fit a locker and its better" or "think of the on-road performance".

But 1) you can only safely lift it 35mm on the front - still not level compared to the back, especially if you want to add 50mm to the rear. 2) the rubber boots on the front CV's are a problem, as are the CV's themselves. Several reports of 100 series busted CV's, some overstressed and many from holed boots. There are also other issues (5 stud rims - need to change my van, horizontal tailgate - personal choice, rear tyre location, front diff size etc...) but none of these were purchase stoppers in their own right for me. Also the test drive, while good, did not have the on-road extra that I was expecting compared to others I was test driving.

Others may say buy the non-turbo 1HZ and fit an aftermarket turbo (after many years with the asmatic 1HZ, definetly had to be a turbo). But there is no way I was buying a brand new vehicle only to spend extra $$$ and lose my warranty (I checked with Toyota and they said not only the motor but also the drivetrain would not be covered). There goes the Landcruiser and even the salesman said Toyota were now targeting the evergrowing "softroader" market.

So, that only realistically leaves the GU or the Defender (basic requirement = diesel station wagon with live axles). I never seriously considered the Defender, it is most probably a good vehicle, but not what i wanted.

Now that left the 3.0TD or the intercooled 4.2TD. I drove them both and there is simply no comparison. The 4.2TD has the advantage down low, but thats where it ends IMHO. But I was concerned about the series 2 reputation. Hence a lot of searching and have yet to come across a series 3 that has suffered the same failure as the series 2. There are a few ??? about the EGR valve, but so far are a very small percentage. As for the rest of the electronics on the 3.0TD, well there are definetly more things to go wrong but I accept that for the advantages (many others will not and choose the 4.2TD and that is not a bad choice, they considered their requirements and chose accordingly).

So, I now have a 3.0TD GU. Do I think its the best 4WD ever. The answer is NO. But do I think there is a better new 4WD on the market for me, again NO.

If I could, I would get a brand new 80 series turbo diesel, but Toyota don't sell them any more!!! And their replacement is not up to scratch IMHO as outlined above.

So, while the 80 series is arguably the best 4WD in their day, the GU Patrol is also arguably the best 4WD now available!!!

If you make it to the end of this diatribe, thanks for taking the time. I actually enjoy the Nissan vs Toyota debate, particualrly when others post their view without simply sledging a vehicle without any facts.


FollowupID: 322124

Follow Up By: Wil - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 05:37

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 05:37
Agree with Captain

I will hang on to the 80 for as long as poss and replace it with a Nissan Patrol. They are the victors in today's market...
FollowupID: 322128

Follow Up By: Billy - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 07:42

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 07:42
Great post Captain. I have a feeling we will all be lined up for the last of the GU's in 2006 like the boys were when the 80 was running out.
FollowupID: 322132

Follow Up By: snowman - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:40

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:40
I'm a diesel mechanic for a government agency. Most of a fleet are Toyotas of some sort. My personal car is a 3 litre GU patrol which i think is great. Anyone who buys a Toyota should be aware of how long it takes to get certain parts for Toyotas. I've had to wait 6 months for synchro rings for landcruiser gearboxers and if i remember correctly 9 months for a windscreen washer bottle for a landcruiser. My work car is a 79 series tray back, i have a 1957 landrover in the shed at home and there is not much differents between them other than the landrover has a PTO.
FollowupID: 322136

Follow Up By: Outnabout David (SA) - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 09:28

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 09:28

You have it wrong my friend, the problem in the parts supply is either your purchasing officer at the govt agency or your dealer. Someone haqs forgotten to order! Most parts are available overnite to any major city in Australia. We have even had engines air freighted overnite to Adelaide. If the part is not available in Australia then the most that it would take is 3 weeks ......provided the people are doing the right thing. If you order a complete body shell you may have to wait 3 months for sea freight but apart from that three weeks should be the limit. You need to follow up with all concerned because someone forgot to do their job.
Blame the people not the product.
But then I am only speaking from 30 years in the game.!
FollowupID: 322142

Follow Up By: snowman - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 10:17

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 10:17
Outnabout David,

I was told the problem was that realestate in japan cost so much that Toyota didn't want to put money into a warehouse. I was told that I would have to wait until they did a production run on the parts needed.
FollowupID: 322154

Follow Up By: Member - Glenn(VIC) - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 21:36

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 21:36
Great reply Captain. I really appreciated the information and sensible response, especially when the post was really crap. I am glad you are happy with your vehicle.

FollowupID: 322278

Reply By: Member - Melissa - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 10:21

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 10:21
I'm not buying into the LC vs. Patrol debate...but our reasons for buying a GU was simply that the vehicle suited our needs better than the 100s LC. Hubby put considerable time and effort into researching both vehicles and in the end the GU came out on top. For many years we had admired the 80s and had we been able to buy a new or near new, low mileage 80s when it was time to buy, we would happily have gone that way but as Captain said above, they weren't around. So, back to the GU which we absolutely love!

:o) Melissa
AnswerID: 60575

Reply By: Member - Ken - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 10:54

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 10:54
Glenn, Captain and all you other 'trendsetters'

I don't disagree with any of your posts as they are what you have experienced in your dealings with 4WD vehicles, dealers, warranties & spares availablity.

There is always the good,bad, ugly and horendous stories with these and other things when dealing with other Human Beings. (In essence thats where the one and only problem in this debate lies)

Now myself, I purchased a 3yr old troopy at auction with 30,000Km on the clock and with a bull bar and 9000lb warn winch (never been used) for $28,000.

It has since had the top cut off and replaced with a pop top then over the next 3yrs turned into the meanest, kickarse, turbo charged desert traveller you would ever wish to see.

It was purchased for this specific purpose, had ableepload of money tossed at it, and warranty- who gives a toss as it disappeared the day I bought it. (with my knowledge)

I don't drive it around the streets of Melbourne as a town car as I personally believe it is now not suited for that purpose. Prick of a thing to park in those spots provided by demented town planners, for one thing.

So, I have just traded our 5yr old Honda accord for a 2.8L diesel JEEP Cherokee Ltd,

That hopefully will give us the comfort of a town car and a tad of 4WD capability if I want to use it.

There you go. Its all 'Horses for courses' , you buy what suits you and thats it.

So far I have never had a problem with Toyota, Honda or Chrysler(JEEP) re service, warranty, spare parts etc etc.

I have had an 'experience' with OPTIMA baterries though and thats on a recent post.


Ken Robinson

AnswerID: 60581

Reply By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 12:32

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 12:32
Fair enough comments by all.
I own a Toyota "grey import" Surf 1995. I drive a 2003 TD.30L Patrol for work. They are both great cars, the patrol has had it's fair share of problems (3 weeks at Nissan with 20k on the clock) but it's running fine now. Nissan were not very helpful during it's time with them, Head office included. (but it's only one persons experience).
The patrol 3.0td has oodles of power, but it a very noisy engine. (not that that ever bothered me before the surf) but any TD engine that you have to wind the window down to here if it's running is pretty bloody cool IMO (surf that is).
The patrol and Surf are totally different vehicles. The surf handles better, it's more comfertable it is finished off much better inside and out, it's quieter, the auto is smoother and it's 10 years old!! However the patrol is more powerful and feels tough on the road, but I have done no where near the same kind of offroading in the patrol (if any) as I have in the surf.
The only things I can knock about the patrol is it feels very impersonal inside, plastic everywhere!! lot's of space, but none of it very usable, no provision for switches radios etc. Very basic dash, no oil pressure, voltage etc. The other thing is the Auto box in the patrol just wants to rev the box of the engine all the time as if it's a bloody 1.6L petrol buz box, and it hangs onto gears way to long, it also had some pretty awful turbo lag and low down power issues, none of which the Tojo has.
But all in all, I here what everyone is saying, I was in a couple of Nissan yards over the weekend looking at cars for a mate, and bloody hell there are literally hundreds of 3.0TD patrols brand new sitting there, one yard had even taken up most of their second hand 4by area to store new patrols. (none of which were 4.2TD). That's got to say something about the vehicle, especially with the bad publicity from the series 2, and they are still selling them like hot cakes.
They are going to be the Hyundia Excel of 4wds IMHO. There are going to be mountains of them, and who knows what that will do to their resale value in 5 years time.
But, when the wheels eventually fall of the surf, might be able to pickup a nice cheap second hand Patrol 3.0TD :-))

AnswerID: 60599

Follow Up By: Leroy - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 14:59

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 14:59
While doing my research for a replacement vehicle I was looking at resale values of GU series 2 3.0td and they were still going for over 40k for a 2000 model. I wouldn't buy one due to the probs but thought it amazing how good the resale value still is despite this. I decided to go for a new GU (made sure it was a 2004 built and complianced beast) and hope it doesn't turn out to be the Hyundia Excel of 4wds! Only time will tell.

FollowupID: 322200

Reply By: Mrs Diamond - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 12:51

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 12:51
your a very naughty boy glenn.
whats the next question cooper or bfg hahaha
AnswerID: 60604

Follow Up By: Member - Glenn(VIC) - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 21:37

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 21:37 got me...and you read my mind, so I guess I won't be asking about tyres then will I....hehehehehehe
FollowupID: 322280

Reply By: GaryW - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 13:23

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 13:23
It seem we agree then - The best vehicle is the one that suits our (perceived) needs. We chose the LC100 T/D GXL Auto as a compromise - I would have prefer a live axle front end but insisted on an auto - That killed of any idea of the Nissan 4.2TD and I'm afraid I just couldn't bring myself to buy a 3.0ltr Nissan dispite all the rave reviews. I was coming from a Jeep Cheokee V8 - going to a 4Cyl was too much to ask. So LC100 it is but have had to add OME Suspension (Lifted the max 35mm) and front and rear air lockers to counter the IFS and weaker factory front diff. Time will be the best judge of these choices.

AnswerID: 60609

Follow Up By: Mike-TS - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 22:08

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 22:08
LC 100TD GXL = A$79,000
OME suspension = A$1000?
Air Lockers = A$500?

Result = +A$80,000 4WD with IFS as a "compromise"

Depreciation in first year = +A$20,000

Are you insane?!
FollowupID: 322285

Follow Up By: GaryW - Monday, May 31, 2004 at 08:55

Monday, May 31, 2004 at 08:55
Ouch! - Not insane just very fortunate. The prices are all wrong above but that's not your main point. Because of salary sacrificing this truck costs me much less than it cost others. If cost is the main consideration then my comment on which new vehicle was better is not going to be very helpful - A good second hand vehicle is almost always going to beat a new one on cost.
FollowupID: 322544

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