Saturday, Jun 11, 2016 at 10:48
I am sitting here chuckling. Grammar - yagottabekiddibnmate. It'sevrywhereeverywhere.
Usually I I just shake my head, read it again and hope that I understand it correctly. If I can't get the punctuation, spelling correct after two reads, and actually understand what the writer was saying, then I just forget it.
I also am not a real William Shakespear's fan. After studying several writings in school, I am of the opinion that he was a raving lunatic. (says he ducking). Maybe he has returned to haunt us.
Frank; You have a point, but if you look beyond this post that we are talking about, it is all throughout Australia, migrating from the media. This is just why I totally agree with comments that we need more english and number skills taught in schools. No good leaving it to the parents as they don't know either. And our old friend Google is't any better.
Joe It's NOT nowadays. That's another american expression like "math", the "get go" (from USA dirt track racing decades back), and putting yourself before everyone in phrases like "me and my wife" instead of "my wife and I".