Monday, Jun 20, 2016 at 13:45
Stepdaughter won one last month in a shopping centre raffle. She has several friends who all rave about their Thermomixes.
However, SD is one for careful consideration - and she enjoys cooking and all the homemaking stuff that goes with it.
She reckons she has doubts that she'll actually use it to the extent that her friends do.
All her friends with Thermomixes are time-poor, work long hours, have multiple kids, and they just "set and forget" their Thermomix meals, and they're ready at mealtime with no further effort. They claim the meals come out tops.
However, SD is now considering selling her new unused Thermomix, because she believes it is not a machine that suits her, or her lifestyle.
She works FIFO at Moomba and has all her meals supplied in
camp, and she has 2 weeks off every time she comes
home, to play in the kitchen to her hearts content.
As far as using a Thermomix when travelling, I would consider that the length of time needed to prepare a meal in one, might be a downside in many instances.
I guess if you're parked up somewhere, and want to get away all day, sightseeing and doing things, then have a meal waiting when you get back, then perhaps a Thermomix is the answer for you.
The exploding Thermomix problem was only caused by inappropriate use of the units, coupled with an original seal design that had deficiencies.
I understand that a new design of seal, and better instructions on how to use the Thermomix, are part and parcel of the current models.
Cheers, Ron.
Follow Up By: Member - Boobook - Tuesday, Jun 21, 2016 at 18:54
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2016 at 18:54
My wife is looking to buy one of the new models.
Follow Up By: Ron N - Thursday, Jun 23, 2016 at 21:55
Thursday, Jun 23, 2016 at 21:55
Boobook, I'll let you know when she puts it up for sale. You know what wimmen are like, humming and haa-ing over a decision.
It looks like a decision has not yet been reached. [;-)
Cheers, Ron.