Friday, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:15
It's not even remotely possible to substantiate links between displaying your vehicles numberplate on the internet, and crime.
The police don't record any methods the criminals use, they aggregate statistics into numbers and percentages.
No crim is going to reveal his modus operandi to police, and harrassed police have plenty else to do, besides interrogate criminals with regard as to how they utilised information gained off the 'net.
The police are only interested in finding evidence to support a charge against a crim, and to defend their actions against the smart-arse criminal lawyers, who can always find a loophole to reduce the charges, or get their client off the hook completely.
Number plates are a primary ID tool in this world, and more and more authorities and corporations are recording number plates and placing the info gleaned from recording them on databases.
Toll road operators, number-plate recognition cameras, and traffic-tracking CCTV cameras are just some of the databases that come to mind - besides the Motor Vehicle Registry database.
The more these databases increase in number and size - and the more that large numbers of corporate and govt employees can access them - which employees have not been properly scrutinised, to ensure database security - then the more likely the chances of your number plate info being used for nefarious purposes.
Even police have been caught utilising supposedly-secure database information, to carry out crimes.
Until I can be 100% sure that no-one with criminal intent, can access my number plate movement information, vehicle type, ownership, and regular
parking location - then I will continue to take as many steps as I can to disrupt any criminal intent, that may have been helped, by providing number plate information.
Rebirthing gangs are always on the
lookout for particular vehicle types, and thieves steal to order for them.
The problem is, that once a photo is on the 'net with a clearly visible number plate, that info is readily available to a world-wide audience of crims, on a 24/7/365 basis.
And it's not just the number plate, it is the information that they can glean from the rest of the photo, plus any information you have placed on the 'net - and that means forums, social media and a hundred other sources of personal information.
There is a site called Matespotter which will dredge up substantial amounts of information about you, from a large number of databases - just from your name alone.
I have often surprised people by telling them just how much I have found out about them, by doing some internet research - and crims have plenty of time to do research, because they prefer not to work, but would rather indulge in the "easy money" handed to them by careless people who are happy to give out personal info on the internet - that they would never normally give to a stranger in the street!
But when you post info on the 'net, you are essentially giving that info to dubious strangers in the street!
I'm always shaking my head at the number of people on forums who provide a large list of their prized possessions on their
forum signature line! That's the equivalent of giving a ready-made shopping list to crims, IMO!
And the height of stupidity? Posting photos on the 'net, of the inside of your house, so crims can identify theft targets and find their way around easily, once inside!
I'm always amazed at people doing this openly in real estate ads. If I show someone the inside of my house, I want to know who they are, and their background, and the likelihood of them carrying out a property crime against me.
Cheers, Ron.