Thursday, Jul 21, 2016 at 19:25
Hi Greg
Like any dirt road Australia wide, wet weather can turn a good road into a bad road in hours.
As for creek crossings, there are a number of small crossing that would only be flowing in times of torrential rainfall and to be honest, you would have more to worry about with mud rather than the creek crossings.
The minor crossing are around the Mount Hopeless/
Blackwater area are as you head north, the only real major crossing has very large concerts culverts over the crossing at the Strzelecki
Creek crossing.
From our previous trips along the
Strzelecki Track, we find that south of
Montecollina Bore the track is more stoney compared to harder packed sections north. You will encounter from memory either 5 or 7 sections that are bituminised, but these sections are only for 5 kilometres each time.
Keep an eye on the Road Reports and that will give you the best and most reliable information. The last thing the Highways Department want is for the track to be cut to pieces, costing thousands to regrade the damage.
All the Best.

Typical Strzelecki Track conditions in the southern section

You will encounter a few section of bitumen like this

This is the only major crossing - the Strzelecki Creek

The Strzelecki Creek Crossing