Saturday, Jul 30, 2016 at 22:56
My comments do not have anything to do with using a gennie. They relate to Pauls comment about not being able to maintain frozen foods for a real length of time.
If you choose to quote someone, do it in its entirety. You chose to leave out the pertinent point so I'll say it again...
well maintained solar setup with adequate production, good batteries and sensible power consumption does work."
From your own words, I would suggest that your power consumption is not sensible nor does you solar setup it have adequate production.
"In the winter time when you run your lights, a 12 volt 175 ltr fridge, a diesel heater, a Cpap machine, watch a few shows on the TV as
well as a 40 ltr Engel as a freezer, and it is a whole new ball game." You also state "The wife and I don't switch the lights out much before 02:00 each night..."
No wonder your solar setup won't keep up. I doubt it would anywhere.
As for your assumption that "There are times when you only get 3 hours sunshine a day, sometimes none for days at a time is not enough to maintain the batteries." Again, what a load of rubbish.
I lived in Manjimup for a number of years, I taught in
Nannup during this time. The school where I was the boss was powered entirely by
battery power that was recharged by solar panels. Not only was the school fed by the solar/battery array, so to was the hostel that housed 10 teenage boys and 3 adult carers.