Sunday, Jul 31, 2016 at 02:43
Well the joke is on us LazyLux, talking to people on the
Oodnadatta only as an example and Turnbulls name is mud re the lack of NBN for what that's worth.
Sat phones and Repeater Stations are about it for most of the bush. The "bush" being defined as anywhere away from
population profit centres.
Privatisation/Globalisation is killing us as we move from selling off our Ports, food and grazing lands to foreign interests; not to mention the destruction of our steel and manufacturing industries and replacing them with capital intensive mining and coal seam gas, none of which are Australian owned.
(see comments from the head of the ACCC recently)
Like the railways, communications, schools and hospitals they all should be a government responsibility to provide
services to the people (as they were)
Political comment? you betcha !